Wednesday, 11 December 2019

#WEP/IWSG...The December Challenge is Open! #FOOTPRINTS

Hello writers! Laura here! The December challenge, FOOTPRINTS, is now open, and we're looking forward to reading your entries! Thank you to Tyrean Martinson from the IWSG for coming up with this month's prompt!

Before we get started, the WEP team would like to give a shout out to two of our regular participants. Roland Clarke and Rebecca M. Douglass will both have stories appearing in the latest IWSG anthology Voyagers: The Third Ghost. Congratulations to both of you! Read more HERE

Now on to the challenge!

How to sign up:

Add your name to the list with your Direct Link! Direct link only! So there's no confusion, add your WRITER NAME (not the name of the prompt, please), your email, and your URL that leads directly to your entry.


Nick Wilford continues as judge for the WEP contest.

And we continue with our CRITIQUE prize for December. We've approached several editors/published authors/critiquers to line them up to reward you for your efforts! The writer of the winning entry will be the lucky recipient of a critique. Check out the list in our sidebar to which more editors will be added as and when confirmed.

Our critiquer for December is J.L. Campbell. She's offering a critique of the first three chapters to the lucky winner. Refer to previous post for more details.

We still need someone to count the comments for the Best Commenter badge. 

If you'd like to volunteer, please let us know in the comments below! Comment counting will cease at midnight on Friday, December 20th NY time, which gives you a week to read/comment. Remember, you need to make an effort to read and comment on as many entries as you can to be in the running for ANY of the prizes! When you've finished reading, it would be helpful if you left a comment on the sign up post to tell us you're done. PLEASE everyone, make sure comments are allowed on your blog. And most importantly, make sure you read the updated CRITIQUE PAGE  before commenting.

If you'd like to help in this or a later challenge, or for any other query you might have this month, please email : cc or leave a comment below.

Now let's get started:

1. SUBMIT your name to the list below on publication of your entry. Add DL after your name. (DirectLink) We will no longer add your Direct Link.

2. POST your edited entry, making sure 'WEP' is in the TITLE along with the FOOTPRINTS badge.

3. STATE feedback preferences.

4. READ other entries, giving feedback only if requested. Refresh on WEP Critique Page.

5. SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. Tweets are ready on the WEP blog.

PLEASE NOTE: ENTRIES CLOSE DECEMBER 13th (NY Time - check WEP blog clock)

ALL GENRES WELCOME except erotica - 1,000 words maximum 

FURTHER ENQUIRIES VISIT and leave a comment or: email:

1. Denise Covey - DL  10. Susan Rouchard DL  19. Tyrean Martinson  
2. Nilanjana Bose - DL  11. Jemi Fraser  20. Jemima Pett  
3. L.G. Keltner - DL  12. the real cie  21. Sonia Dogra  
4. Roland Yeomans - DL  13. C. Lee McKenzie  22. Toi Thomas  
5. Olga Godim - DL  14. Christopher Scott  23. Kalpana  
6. Yolanda Renee - DL  15. Roland Clarke  24. Leigh Caron  
7. Rebecca Douglass - DL  16. Dixie Jarchow  25. Tanya Miranda  
8. Pat Garciia DL  17. Hilary Melton-Butcher - DL  
9. Cyndi Pride  18. Sally  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Don't forget to share the Challenge

Here is the HTML:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

Come and add your footprint to the December challenge - @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF

Are you ready to leave your footprint on our December challenge? @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Join @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey and add your direct link to the December challenge #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

The December challenge is now open. Come leave your footprint today. @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction


  1. I am happy to count the comments again if you are still in need. Let me know here - or by email. If you do need me please give me an email to send the results to.

    1. Thank you so much! We'd love to have you count comments! I'll email you shortly, and you can send the results to that email.

  2. Thanks so much to whoever made my link for me! I was out having too much fun and couldn't post!

    1. I think Denise did that for you. I'm glad you were having fun! We all need to have fun every now and then.

    2. And thanks for reciprocating for another writer. Awesome.

  3. Such talented writers. So wonderful to be part of this amazing group.

  4. Thank you L.J. Keltner for this exhaustive link-up post. Always very helpful. Wishing you a Merry Christmas. See you on WEP in 2020.

  5. Kalpana + comments doesn't work for me... again. I tried doing it through the browser - no go as well. :(

    1. This time I was able to comment on hers. I have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. Maybe you'll have better luck later.

    2. You can’t comment through WEP but through her URL works generally. I asked her to add that to her post. It is frustrating for all.

  6. I am having trouble commenting at Toi's site. Moderation or Askimet hating me? I will try again later.

    1. If you are reading this Toi, can you check your spam folder for my comments. Askimet at intervals categorises me as spam and refuses to let any comments of mine through.

    2. I had issues at first too. I was using my Twitter account to comment, and her site didn't seem to like that. I ended up using my Google account, and that worked. My guess is it's an issue with Askimet, though I can't claim to understand how it works.

    3. My comment went fine, but I comment everywhere with my Google account. Most sites seem to like it.

    4. BTW: both of you, ladies, have two comments on Toi's site. I guess, it just takes time for her site to accept comments.

    5. Good to know. When I commented through Google, my comment posted right away and I was able to see it. Maybe there's a delay when signed in through other means?

    6. Toi posted somewhere that her comments were lagging which is why some people have two or more comments. I had no problem.

      Kalpanaa’s site nearly caught me. Still can’t comment through WEP which is probably why she had only three comments when I looked yesterday. I asked her to add the solution to her post.

  7. I have I hope now read and commented on everyone's entry.
    Awe, wonder and delight. Huge thanks to you all.

    1. I found all stories exceptional. A wonderful bunch. Reading a delight. Finished first reading yesterday now for second reading and formulating my shortlist choices.

  8. Apologies for not adding DL - and thanks to whoever added it. Or is it still missing and causing problems?

    1. No Roland, all names should be expected to have their story posted, so no one was perturbed as far as I know. You're not the only one, LOL. It's not so important now.

  9. Hello everyone! I've posted my story and want to remind you that going to my blog through the LInky makes it difficult(impossible?) to comment. The way around is to visit my blog directly - I'm not posting it as a link because then it look like self promotion. Thank you all for going though the extra effort.
    Happy Holidays everyone!

    1. Thanks Kalpanaa. We’ll have to find a way to sort this. Having something on the sign up is probably the only way.

  10. I wasn't able to comment on Kalpanaa's story. I emailed her my comment.

  11. I struggled to make comments at a few places possibly because I was trying to read and comment via my phone. Sorry about that. I should have taken this month off since I couldn't commit the time for commenting.

    1. Kalpanaa is the contentious one. See below. We don't expect people to take time off work to comment Tyrean.


    Usually you cannot comment if you use the InLinkz link up.


    You can comment if you use the URL -
    OR - If you clink on the blogroll on the right it works!!

    Hope this is helpful!

  13. Thank you so much for this lovely challenge and most of all to my friend Susan for telling me about IWSG and WEP. I think I wanted to be a part of a creative space where I can read others and know that there is so much to writing beyond my space. And life is different unique and new just around the corner. It's been superb to read some amazing stories and prose and poetry. I think I've read everyone and commented too. I do have a problem on blogspot though which takes my google id i.e. A Hundred Quills. So that's how I appear at some places while at places I'm Sonia...
    Thanks and Season Greetings to all!

    1. Sonia, it was a superb challenge. So glad you found us and participated. Thank you for your comments on the entries, also. That's very important to us.

      I hope you will join us again in 2020. We have some fantastic challenges in store.

  14. Well, I missed the comment deadline by two days. But I'm pleased that I did manage to find time to read all the entries, and a great bunch of stories they were!

    1. Thanks Rebecca. You'd read most before the cut off!

  15. Thank you Laura on this precise and encouraging post.
    Congratulations to Sonia for her beautifully written entry and to Christopher Scott for his special encouragement award for his heart-felt entry on the artist’s life, so well-deserved. Congratulations to Rebecca on her comments award. Rebecca you are always very exhaustive and helpful, thank you.
    Not short-listed ... again ... oh well !
    Happy New Year to the whole WEP team. Thank you for all the hard work put in for this exceptional December Challenge. Looking forward to February. Have an inspiring month.


Have temporarily enabled comments without moderation. If the spammers hit us, it'll be reinstated.