Thursday 30 November 2017

#WEP #ff December Challenge -- The End is the Beginning -- Sign Up Now!!

Welcome to the WEP - Write...Edit...Publish The End is the Beginning December Challenge.

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As we head into the holiday season, our minds can focus on year's end and perhaps new beginnings. 
This December, WEP dedicates the month to thinking about life, taking stock, where we're at at this point in time. Perhaps you'll be inspired to write a flashback, perhaps there's a cascading change you're going through or one approaching, perhaps there's a branching off point that could be either an end or a beginning. Whatever strikes you, you have a choice in the way you present it -- a flash fiction, a non-fiction piece, poetry, a photo essay or get your feelings onto a canvas and show us some artwork...

The End is the Beginning
has any number of possibilities!
Let your imagination run riot!

If you'd like to post the list on your blog here's the code:

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Don't forget to share the Challenge
We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The WEP 2017 December Challenge - @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF 

Time to take stock The End is the Beginning @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey  #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction 

Join @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey  for the December FF Challenge  #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Brought to you by the team:

Denise – Renée – Nilanjana – Olga

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Tuesday 21 November 2017


We are thrilled to have Elephant’s Child, the winner of the WEP October Challenge – DARK PLACES here to discuss the Awe and Wonder of being a writer. Her winning piece is
Congratulations, Sue!

When Yolanda sent me the email telling me that I had won the Halloween WEPI was shocked (my first reaction was to reply asking if she had sent the email to the right person).  After assuring me no mistake had been made, she reminded me that I was expected to do a guest post - and the subject was up to me.

So I am going to write about what WEP means to me.  All of us wear labels.  Some are foisted on us, some we choose, some we aspire to.  The label I am most comfortable with is appreciator.

I don't remember how I first found WEP but I loved it from my very first visit.  Reading is one of my obsessions and I was given a giant smorgasbord of excellent writing to revel in.  Polished, imaginative pieces.  All based around a common theme, all so very different.  Many of them find permanent niches in my head and heart.

 So I bookmarked the site, read and cheered.  D.G Hudson encouraged me to dip my toes in further.  I love words but am a dabbler rather than a writer.  I surprised myself, took the challenge and jumped in.

And was met with nothing but kindness and support.  Incredible and generous support.

Since then I have participated in some challenges but always read all of the submissions even when I wasn't able to participate.  I read them with awe and wonder, marvelling at the talent and expertise on display.  In the challenges I have entered I feel inadequate, over-awed and outclassed from the first piece I read until the last.

But I need to stress that inadequacy is a personal foible.   The organisers, the other participants and the readers have never fanned those embers in any way.

WEP gives me excellent reading, a safe place to play and incredible support.  Who can ask for more?

So huge thanks are in order.  To Denise, to Yolanda, to Olga, to Nilanjana and to all of you who participate.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You have enriched my world. 


Thank you, Sue, we love that you’re an appreciator, an all-round participant, because you are also an amazing writer!

What about you, readers and writers, does reading inspire you?

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We'd love if you'd Tweet one/all of these:

The #WEPFF DARK PLACES Challenge Winner Guest Post with Elephant’s Child! @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee

Celebrate with Sue our 1st place winner #WEPFF DARK PLACES October challenge #amwriting

#WEPFF October Challenge winner discusses the Awe & Wonder of being a writer @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee  #amwriting #flashfiction

Please click the social media buttons to share this post!


And don't forget December is the

For those of you who are enthusiastic about what WEP has to offer in 2018, click on the 2018 Challenge Page above or use this LINK.  It's all prepared. Please take the year badge and share it on your blog in December! 
Thank you!