Monday 30 May 2016

WEP June Challenge moved to August! Join us for the 'Gardens' challenge!

Hi WEP followers!

Yolanda and I have moved the June challenge of 'Gardens' to August, due to the 'burnt-out-ness' of those who participated in the A-Z and have not yet got their writing heads above water. That leaves us with the problem of what to do with the Constellations challenge, but I'm sure we'll work it out.

For now, Olga Godim, one of our regular WEP participants, has kindly made two badges--one pastel and one bright. You are welcome to choose one of these badges and post it in your sidebar.


Don't forget to spread the word to your writer friends that the next challenge for WEP is coming up!

Any questions/suggestions, email us.

Hoping you'll join us!