Friday 29 December 2023


 Hello friends! Denise here for the team.

I'm sorry some of you were shocked that we're closing down - at least as far as bi-monthly challenges go. We could no longer sustain the workload. One door shuts, another door opens I believe, so who knows what's in store for everyone who found WEP a great place to test your writing.

And we're definitely looking for more entries for the WEP Anthology. READ MORE HERE. Time is running out, so get your stories to us by December 30. BE IN IT!

And don't forget, we celebrated our 10th anniversary along the way:

So ... now let's look at our final WEP challenge where you were asked to basically write what you wanted. We were thrilled that some of our oldies turned up and penned something by way of saying farewell.

Jemi has collated the taglines, so you can quickly check out any stories you missed.


Denise Covey - The Song Of Bernadette - Do you believe in magic? The miraculous? The humble being exalted?

Yolanda RenĂ©e - Hope On The Silver Screen - The movie whispered truths she hadn’t dared to acknowledge

Nila Bose - Chiaroscuro VII  - Sometimes just the touch of a finger can change the direction of an entire life

N.R. Williams - It’s a Wonderful LIfe - Your life matters

C. Lee McKenzie - The Conversation - A fond farewell

Jemi Fraser - Underdogs - Everyone loves an underdog

Shilpa Gupte - Rusty - A tribute to the movies and Chikoo

Rebecca M Douglass - Aftermath - After the wars, it’s time to rebuild

Pat Garcia - The Screenwriter - Last week’s question about her short, teeny-weeny-afro (TWA) almost caused her to explode and show him that she had muscles. She was ready to give him her Ali left punch and knock him out.

Sonia Dogra - Everything Will Be Alright - everything will be alright!

Roland Yeomans - No Safe Mode To Life - every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end

Olga Godim - Scarlet Sails - A centennial celebration of a beloved story and author

Roland Clarke - Svenigora Snow - Slava Ukrayini

Bernadette Braganza - A Starry Affair - A silly conversation with Promilla

Ornery Owl - The Xenomorphs Understand - Thoughts from Outsiders on Aliens and Acceptance

Jamie - Interview with the Vampire - Interview with the Vampire, opening scene with some twists

J lenni Dorner - Origin Story Of The Seven - Where’s Fluffy?

Hilary Melton Butcher - Out Of Africa - A farewell to WEP

Thanks Jemi.

Now, as we said, there are no prizes this month. We just wrote for love of writing.. But one entry stood out, and I have her permission to repost here. Hilary's farewell to WEP. Unique as always. (I wish I'd have thought of it!)

Over to Hilary -

Write … Edit ... Publish ... Bloghop: Out of Africa …

 Out of Africa – never – so true that phrase – anyone having spent time or lived in Africa - it is not possible to take Africa out of one's system ...

 … embedded for ever – perhaps tied to the roots of the human race, or perhaps just imprinted into this blogger's life … BC blogging …

  … then along comes the Write Edit Publish group with prompts for the blogger of positive intent to join in with … at first with trepidation, then later with random abandon, as the poor Phantom of the Opera found out, regarding her input …

  Freedom Morning has arrived … Freedom of Speech was accomplished … the Caged Bird escaped into the WEP world …

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall … which created an Urban Nightmare from The Great Wave … but The Kiss had a fun story to tell …

 There was Grave Mistake, a smelly Antique Vase, a pretty Jewel BoxLong Shadows spread over a delicious meal, Horrible Harvests did not prevail at that time, Dark Places were brightened with memories of the Red Wheelbarrow days …

There was a Thriller in the authorship of A Change of Heart (ugh!) … Gone with the Wind hastened the Unravelling of the Yarn …

 Grave Mistake could have been made when the Back of the Drawer was opened to find the Letter that was begging Please to be Read, while the Moonlight Sonata resonated in the background …

 Bridges were mended, a Reunion would take place in the Cafe Terrace, besides the river where Like Water for Chocolate was enjoyed by all the WEP group remembering All You Need is Love …

  The Last Remembrance we will have is of Footprints for our memory bank … while we as a group will all reflect Peace and Love for the world.

 The little Voodoo is doing its thing weaving, diving, spinning and in true childish passion will be remembered in our penned compositions …

  From this Blogger to all WEPpers, particularly the administrators, I acknowledge you … and even though I for The First Time I Ever Saw Your Faces was and is on the screen … where you were Unmasked … this End is now the Beginning for you to enjoy your Freedom Mornings …

… before I get In Too Deep and mushy in thought … I will say Farewell to WEP and thank you all profusely for organising, initiating the fabulous thought provoking prompts, for all generous commenters, and supporters …

 A fond goodbye to Write Edit Publish … and I've just scraped into the time frame … though Out of Africa was going to be my last WEP – it changed its spots! …

… however if a piece for the Anthology is required, please administrators let me know … and I'll craft an entry before the year end.

 Cheers from the Positive Blogger …

 Hilary Melton-Butcher

Positive Letters Inspirational Stories


Thanks Hilary! I'm sure many who read this post will be thrilled to see WEP in retrospect.

Bye for now!

Denise for the team:

and we remember past team members/admin:

Francine Howarth
Donna Hole
Elephant's Child!

If you have news, new release, writing success, need help? email denise ...


  1. Hilary's post was brilliant and a fitting farewell to this incarnation of WEP. Thank you, one and all.

    1. Thanks Sue for your loyal support of WEP. Hilary has a unique way of responding to our challenges, doesn't she?

    2. I agree! Hilary's post was perfect!

  2. Brilliant post by Hillary! And thanks to whoever made the tagline for my story--I totally forgot about that :)

    1. You have Jemi to thank, Rebecca. She is our tagline queen. Thanks for popping by.

  3. Thank you Denise and administrators, and for recognising my final WEP posting under your auspices. Fortunately sometimes the ideas just come ... occasionally I struggled - but I look forward to WEP Get Together in February ... congratulations to everyone - organisers and participants ... see you all anon. I'm struggling with a nasty lurgi - taking its time to fade away ... I'll be in touch ... cheers and all the best for 2024 to one and all - Hilary

    1. It's fitting that your entry gets a good showing. Brilliant.

  4. Loved Hilary's farewell post. I will miss the WEP Challenges, but who knows! As they say, never say never. Thank you everyone!

  5. Hilary's post was beyond phenomenal! Loved it! And loved being part of WEP always. Thank you for the memories, some seriously enjoyable reading and writing. Happy New Year 2024 to all.

  6. Thanks Sonia and Nila ... so pleased my usual odd take on a WEP entry happily resonated with you both ... here's to a happy and peaceful 2024 to you and yours - cheers Hilary

  7. I am so sorry I did not get my story finished in time to submit to the anthology. Things just kept coming up. Hope everyone has a phenomenal 2024. Best wishes to all those involved in WEP.


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