Thursday, 1 June 2023

#June WEP Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Welcome to June's WEP CHALLENGE!

Close Encounters!

Hello! - it's Nila here, along with my co-host Jemi, we're excited for the June Challenge! This month's prompt is "Close Encounters" based on an iconic movie title/poster. Before we get into the challenge, I'd just like to clear up a small point that came up last month. Hey listen, there is no homework given out around here!  

None of our prompts require any prior awareness or deep knowledge of anything

We are a diverse community spread across the world, from Australia right round to America. The primary thing that binds us together is NOT any specialist knowledge of movies, art or books, but our love for writing. That's what we get together here to celebrate and to nurture and support. You don't have to be published or perfect (heck, who is?!) to write with us at WEP, all you need is love.  For writing. 

This year, our prompts happen to be based on movies -  I'll  say it again -

You don't have to know any background, nor watch the movie, nor write to that specific genre or plot. 

All you need to do is to bring your imagination and a writing device. Look at the title, look at the poster if you like and run with whatever element inspires you.  The suggestions are just that - suggestions. We're uber happy for you to ignore them and come up with your own interpretations.

   "Close Encounters"+ YOU is all that's needed.  

We look forward to where this Challenge takes all of us!

POST JUNE 21st - 23rd

  1. SUBMIT your name and URL to the list below starting June 21st  to the 23rd
  2. POST your entry according to June's prompt "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND"
  3. USE WEP in your Title and the Poster on your page. Post your word count.
  4. STATE feedback preferences and give constructive feedback as requested. See WEP Critique Page.
  5. SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. Tweets are ready on the WEP blog.
Open to all genres - 1000 words maximum 

Email Denise or another team member if you have more questions:
1. Nilanjana Bose  6. Jemi Fraser  11. Silver Tree  
2. Denise Covey  7. Pat Garcia  12. J Lenni Dorner  
3. Yolanda Renee  8. Jamie of uniquely maladjusted but fun  13. Sonia dogra  
4. Tyrean Martinson  9. Ornery Owl (the ornery one)  14. Roland R Clarke  
5. Olga Godim  10. N. R. Williams  15. Hilary  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


* Did you catch our second 'How-to' post? We started with HR Sinclair's guide to publishing on Google Play. Catch Holly's article HERE.

** Did you take note that WEP winners will be invited to submit to the WEP Flash Fiction Anthology, an ebook, out in 2024 (date to be announced)? After submissions are collated, there may be room to offer more members a place. Submissions will not be automatically accepted, and if they are, will go through an editing process so they're publication ready, following the rigorous process used by the IWSG Anthology team. A WEP committee will be formed to expedite the stories for publication. So if you've not been published, this is your chance to gain a publication credit. 



Photo by Daniela Paola Alchapar on Unsplash

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is an iconic 1977 Spielberg movie, in fact Ray Bradbury called it the greatest sci-fi movie ever made. The storyline combines three threads in parallel - broadly reflecting the three kinds of encounters, i.e. sighting, evidence and contact with alien life. An ordinary electrician sees an UFO and has his life upended. A little boy finds his toys operating spontaneously and is later abducted, his mother believes by aliens.  Meanwhile, a group of scientists are trying to establish contact with lifeforms in outer space and are nonplussed with the response they get. All three converge to a spot where the climax - a monumental event unparalleled in human history, unfolds. The film tells the story of the first contact between non-invading aliens and earth. It is characterised by opulent sets and mind boggling special effects and many instances of Judeo-Christian imagery. For all the opulence and slick effects, it is a simple, engaging story compellingly told. 

Go HERE to our Challenges 2023 Page to read about ALL our prompts for the year!

Post - June 21st - 23rd 2023



We at Team WEP want to make your experience writing for us as fulfilling as possible. We pride ourselves on being a supportive writing environment so we're always open to feedback.

The response was good. So far, one of the main points, was that you are busy people and cannot find the time to write to every challenge. We totally get this and are delighted whenever you turn up. 


- I don't enjoy continuation stories based on prompts. I'd like to see something new and original from those writers.

- Please don't make rules - as they've done in the A-Z ... let us just do our thing at whatever level we're at ... 

- Don't make us do FB, or Tw, or anything else - 

- If it doesn't suit - move on ... don't criticise ... 

- Thanks - it's great - and I enjoy it ... and do what I can ...having committed to write WEP prompts ....

- The prompts such as the music prompts were about a song, but with all the possibilities suggested, I was confused on what you were actually looking for...

- Anthology could be cool. Would probably have to be a .99 cent one, because those rarely sell very well. But they're great for running a giveaway with as a prize.

- I'm still participating but I think it would be great to offer an anthology, and not just to the winners, but give a theme and accept submissions.


We hear you. 

We try to be as rule-free as possible. Some don't like the 1,000 word limit, but that is the Flash Fiction limit. We don't mind if entries are over 1,000 words at times - we don't count them.

We don't make you do social media. Some like it, so by pre-writing tweets it makes it easy for those of us who like to tweet. Also it brings more readers to your stories.

We get that some are finding the music prompts confusing. Nila has dealt with that above.

We are working on the concepts of the anthology and a theme has been mentioned rather than strictly adhering to the year's prompts. And we'll see how the words go and may well open for submissions to all members. Not all submissions will automatically be accepted. We're looking for well written and well edited work. An editorial team will read each entry and decide.




This month's prize is from Lynda Dietz from Easy Reader Editing

Lynda says:

I’m a wife, mother, and worship leader from northwest PA. Though my kids don’t think I’m funny, I make myself laugh frequently. Everyone in my family lives, breathes, and eats music, so I’m always picking up some new instrument and giving it a try. I edit books with the help of my four assistants, all of whom are cats.



Commenting is the lifeblood of WEP. We are a supportive writing environment where you are welcome to try new ideas, take risks, and put forth your latest WIP for feedback.

If you have trouble commenting on blogs, please continue to leave a comment here (we're fortunate that Google hasn't messed up our commenting here) or on our C-Box. And if your blog comments are down and you have a blogger blog, consider changing your comment settings to Pop-ups, not embedded, temporarily, until google provides a fix.


We'd love if you'd Tweet or post to FB or any social media site where you network!

WEP movie #writingprompt June 2023s "Close Encounters" @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser Sign up & post-June 21st thru 23rd! #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF #poetry #nonfiction

Get your thinking caps on for June 2023s movie prompt "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS" @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser Sign up & post your entry June 21st thru 23rd! #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction

Join WEP @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser, for the third movie Challenge of 2023, "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS". Sign up and post your entry JUNE 21 thru 23rd #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction.

Check out #stories of #love, #loss, #firstcontact, & #closeencounters @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee, @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser, for the JUNE movie challenge "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS" #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction


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Wishing you a fabulous June
Bring on the entries!


Our next movie prompt is for August. How about this? Sure to be a favorite~

Post - August 16th to the 18th 2023


Nila & Jemi for the team:


  1. I'm so looking forward to this challenge, hoping several more will turn up. I'm going to post on two blogs - two very different stories - one contemporary and one historical. Both prepared and waiting ...(Don't mind my new commenting avatar. Google got confused between my two blogs. (((shrugs)))

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's so cool about a double entry! I love historical so even more exciting.

    3. Aha. I think I meant hysterical, LOL.

    4. Nothing stopping historical from being hysterical too! :)

  2. I look forward to some very happy reading - and hope that my life has settled down to the point I can read all the entries again.

    1. I hope so too, Sue. I know you delight in reading and let's hope there's some great stories to delight us all this challenge!

    2. I hope so too, Sue!! Sending best wishes your way!

    3. I'm so glad to hear that. Hope your month is peaceful and filled with great things. All the very best always!

  3. I like the continuation stories. I also like the one-offs. I like seeing what people have to offer, whatever they feel like writing. I agree wholeheartedly with the suggestion that if you don't like what you're reading, move on. I'm still salty about the pile-on that happened to me a couple of years ago, not gonna lie.
    I might participate in this round. The theme seems like something I can work with. My PTSD caught up with me and ran me over big time last month, so I wasn't doing too good. I may be back to abnormal now.

    1. Thank you for the detailed feedback. WEP aims to be a close-knit, supportive writing community, every member's viewpoint is valuable to us. Sorry to hear about the issues last month, hope you're feeling better. We would love to have you writing for this challenge. Look forward to your entry.

    2. Hi OO! Glad to hear you're back to abnormal now. Life can be tough. I'm sorry you're still smarting from the pile-on from two years ago. I hope the WEP writers can make amends. We aim to be a supportive writing community, but sometimes the wheels fall off for which I apologize. Would LOVE to have you this month!

  4. Im gonna try and get in on this one this year. My job has been challenging as I deal with my management position and owner transition. Along, with trying to balance my increasingly potent culinary creativity.

    1. Sorry to hear about the job challenges, hope they are moving towards a good outcome, if not sorted already. Look forward to reading your entry. All the very best.

    2. Hi Christopher. We've certainly missed you and your stories, but life has a habit of getting in the way at times. Will be awesome to read your work again! I would think Close Encounters would be right up your alley!

    3. Hi, Denise. Unfortunately that's true I had most of a piece written out before my health became problematic.

  5. I am still aiming to post an episode of my Ukraine story by midnight, but I've been struggling all week. My beautiful companion dog Quetzal died last Saturday and I've been trying to write a tribute, so working on two posts is difficult; Apologies.

  6. Hi Denise, Nila, Renee, Olga, Jemi and Sonia - thanks for organising all of these for us. I enjoy the tempting prompts - I probably haven't seen the films ... but I can craft some sort of post. I've been trying to catch my tail ... but that's the way for many bloggers - it's lovely, yet time consuming - but I wouldn't give it up ... cheers Hilary

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Oops. I wrote and prescheduled a post and then forgot to sign it up on the link list... oy. It's been a while since I participated. I guess I'll have a learning curve.


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