Tuesday, 31 January 2023

WEP - FEBRUARY CHALLENGE "GONE WITH THE WIND". What inspires you about this film? Write for us ...

POST 15 - 17 FEBRUARY 2023

  1. SUBMIT your name and URL to the list below starting February 15 to the 17th
  2. POST your entry according to February's prompt "GONE WITH THE WIND"
  3. USE WEP in your Title and the Poster on your page. Post your word count.
  4. STATE feedback preferences and give positive feedback as requested. See WEP Critique Page.
  5. SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media. Tweets are ready on the WEP blog.
Open to all genres - 1000 words maximum 

Email Denise or another team member if you have more questions:
den.covey@gmail.com  yolandarenee@hotmail.com nilabose306b@gmail.com
1. Denise Covey  7. dolorah@booklover  13. Damyanti Biswas  
2. Yolanda Renee  8. N. R. Williams  14. Beth Camp  
3. Nilanjana Bose  9. Jemi Fraser  15. Hilary Melton-Butcher  
4. Olga Godim  10. Roland Yeomans  16. Sally Stackhouse  
5. Sonia Dogra  11. Roland R Clarke  
6. J Lenni Dorner  12. Pat Garcia  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)



Denise here for our first challenge of 2023!

Hope your holiday season was fun and relaxing.  WEP welcomes you to the Year of Movies! We're so excited! Hope you are too! Here is the whole year in a badge, proudly created by WEP's Olga Godim.

But first, we have ...


- We have created a new website. Do you like our new look? Let us know.

- Notice the gorgeous new badges in our sidebar created by Olga? Choose which of the two you like best and if you're 'proud to be a WEP writer', please post it in your sidebar linking to WEP.

- Laura has taken a leave of absence to care for her family whilst working night shift. She'll be back when she sorts her work/life balance. Take this opportunity to say thank you to Laura for the stellar job she's done for WEP these past years. We look forward to working with Laura again.

- To help ease the load, Team WEP has taken on Sonia Dogra as a trainee. Sonia volunteered to help in any way she could when she saw my blog post about the ups and downs of WEP these past months when life just got too much for many of us. However, we have collectively stood up, brushed ourselves off, and are powering ahead to provide a supportive online writing community of which we can all be proud. Most of you will know Sonia, but here she is in her own words:

Sonia is an accidental poet and short story writer based in Delhi. Her writings have appeared and are forthcoming in The Kali Project, Write in Power, Amity, Kitaab, Tell Me Your Story, Recipe for a Perfect Marriage, A Body of Memories, The Hooghly Review & Flash Flood Journal among others. An ex-educator, copyeditor and nature enthusiast, she dreams of owning a book café in the hills. She can be followed on A Hundred Quills (https://soniadogra.com).

Welcome Sonia!

This unfortunate upheaval in late 2022 has forced each one of us to take stock. We find that most of us are at a stage where, for one reason or another – new jobs, new family circumstances or life events - our tranche of time devoted to WEP is no longer as wide or flexible as previously. We agree that we fill a need for many. Whose writing doesn't improve when every two months you find inspiration to write to a prompt? Over the years we've seen such an improvement in each of you. Reading your entries is one of our favorite things!



There will be several changes to WEP this year. We need a different iteration to suit the changed circumstances of our team members and that is what we present to you in WEP Challenges 2023!

The Changes

1. 5 Judged Challenges instead of 6.

2. No Challenge for December but a Christmas Party post instead. Check the December badge - Over to You. That is exactly it. Over to You to write about your favorite movie of all time.

3.  No winner's guest post. Instead, a team member will write a 'How-to' post outlining something they've already tried and found successful. Or they may share a post you will find interesting/educational/motivational. If there's something you'd especially like to share in the guest post format, email Denise - den.covey@gmail.com

4.  Critique prizes remain. We have some sought-after prizes this year as always. Check our sidebar. Remember, if you have no WIP ready, please pass on the prize to the runner up and so forth. We encourage you to check out the editors in our sidebar and contact them if you need their services.

5. To replace the winner's guest post, for the 3 winners each challenge there is the option to be included in a WEP Anthology which will be published in early 2024. Here is your chance to garner a publishing credit if you are not yet published.


So, let's do this!

Image courtesy of Freepix

All our challenges in 2023 have the theme, the Year of Movies. As it's Valentine's month, we kick off with the classic Gone With the Wind. Both the movie and the book have broken all sales records so is worthy of its Number One slot. 

From our Challenges 2023 page, use or discard ideas as you wish. Your interpretation of the prompt is totally up to you as long as it is obviously inspired by the image and blurb in some way. 

Nila's blurb says of Gone With the Wind:

Remember, it's all about what inspires YOU:

GWTW can be the springboard for a million ideas- civil war, love, the definition of beauty (‘Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful but men seldom realized it..’), racism, slavery, strong women, gun violence, plantations, breaking conventions, the bond between fathers and daughters, mothers and daughters, the love for a piece of land, a lament for a vanishing society…alternatively, even an essay on the stars or the film director or the author Margaret Mitchell or some aspect of the making of the film...endless opportunities for creativity.

Post - February 15 to the 17th 2023

Don't forget your tagline at the beginning or ending of your entry!! 


The February prize:

The 3 winners have the option of being published in a WEP Anthology.

The outright winner receives a Critique Prize from our stable of generous editors and authors.

This month's prize is from a contributor to the IWSG, L. Diane Wolfe.


L. Diane is the owner of Dancing Lemur Press LC, professional speaker, & author, She  also conducts seminars, offers book formatting, and author consultation. She’s the senior editor at Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. and contributes to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG).


http://www.dancinglemurpressllc.com/ - Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C

http://www.spunkonastick.net/ - Spunk On A Stick

http://www.circleoffriendsbooks.blogspot.com - Spunk On A Stick’s Tips

http://www.insecurewriterssupportgroup.com/ - Insecure Writer’s Support Group

https://www.facebook.com/l.diane.wolfe - Facebook

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BC4SRKH2
iTunes - 
Barnes & Noble - 
Kobo - 

In Darkness: The Vampire. First in Diane's In Darkness series.


Souls shrouded in darkness…


Stuck working as a barmaid for her demanding father, Anna dreams of adventure. When mysterious strangers enter the bar, she overhears they seek Zancrela, an ancient fortress filled with treasure and a magical library. Taking her chance, she offers to guide them. The conditions: deliver Zancrela or die.


As they journey through the wilderness, she discovers their secret: they are vampires. And most view her as food. One takes interest in her and her heart dares to hope, but it might not be enough to change her fate. Will Anna find Zancrela or become a vampire morsel?

Other books in the series ...


Commenting is the lifeblood of WEP. We are a supportive writing environment where you are welcome to try new ideas, take risks, put forth your latest WIP for feedback.

If you have trouble commenting on blogs, please continue to leave a comment here (we're fortunate that Google hasn't messed up our commenting here) or on our C-Box. And if your blog comments are down and you have a blogger blog, consider changing your comment settings to Pop-ups, not embedded, temporarily, until google provides a fix.

We'd love if you'd Tweet or post to FB or any social media site where you network!

WEP movie #writingprompt February 2023 "GONE WITH THE WIND" @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser  https://writeeditpublishnow.blogspot.com/2023/01/wep-february-challenge-gone-with-wind.html Sign up & post-February 15 thru 17th! #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF #poetry #nonfiction

Get your thinking caps on for February 2023's first movie prompt "GONE WITH THE WIND" @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser https://writeeditpublishnow.blogspot.com/2023/01/wep-february-challenge-gone-with-wind.htmlSign up & post your entry February 15th thru 17th! #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction

Join WEP @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser, for the first movie Challenge of 2023, "GONE WITH THE WIND". Sign up and post your entry February 15th thru 17th https://writeeditpublishnow.blogspot.com/2023/01/wep-february-challenge-gone-with-wind.html #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction.

Check out #stories of #love, #loss, #racism, #war @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee, @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser, for the February movie challenge "GONE WITH THE WIND https://writeeditpublishnow.blogspot.com/2023/01/wep-february-challenge-gone-with-wind.html #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction


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Wishing you a fabulous February at WEP. Bring on the entries!

Our next movie prompt is for April. How about this?

Post - April 19th  to the 21st 2023

At the basic level, Life is Beautiful is about protecting children from the trauma of war, about paternal love, about one family's struggle for survival amidst the horrors of the concentration camp. 

Denise for:


  1. As always huge thanks to the WEP Team (old and new). I am so very grateful for the work you put in - and for the incredible contributions that work attracts and nurtures.

    1. We value your presence more than you can know, Sue. I hope your health allows you to write for us again one day soon! Meanwhile, thanks for your support in reading entries every challenge!

    2. A huge thank you to you, Sue. You're an amazing writer. And an example of grace for all of us.

  2. Welcome to WEP 2023! The WEP Team can't wait to read your entries so please get busy! So much scope with GWTW. We welcome you all back and welcome anyone new to WEP. Come one, come all, is our attitude.

  3. Happy to be a part of the WEP team. I look forward to contributing to the best of my ability. The prompts are wonderful and I'm excited. Thank you for the warm welcome, Denise!

    1. Welcome, Sonia! It's great to have you on board.

    2. Sonia, your help will be much appreciated by Team WEP. Thank you for offering your services! It's quite a ride being a member of the team. The fun just never stops!

    3. We're so happy to have you join us, Sonia!!!

    4. Welcome, Sonia. Thrilled to have you on board. It's guaranteed to be a wild but amazing ride!

  4. It's going to be an incredible year all round. Incredible reading, incredible writing. Can't wait! - to read the entries for GWTW. And the rest of the challenge prompts. So excited!

  5. Wow! Lots of information and new directions here. Good luck to all the writers. And thanks to the incredible people who make W.E.P. possible!

    1. Thanks so much FB. Great to have you visit. You're welcome to write for us anytime!

  6. It's a busy time of the year. New opportunities, new start-ups, new plans. I just love a new beginning. And the WEP is at the top of the list. Have a great writing year, everyone!

  7. My link is up. Hey Ladies; sorry its been so long since I published. Great way for me to update my blog, lol. I'm having issues posting from my tablet, not sure my post went up as planned. I'll read and comment this weekend on my new desktop computer. Welcome Sonia. Hope llife is treating Laura well.

  8. Your post went up fine, Donna! Thanks so much for writing for us again after those hard years! I'm practically in tears to see you back.

    For those of you who don't know Donna, she was my WEP partner back in the day, and those were great days!

  9. I tried to post a comment on Rodland C Clarke entry, but my Wordpress password is not working. So I'll opst here and hope he sees it:
    Interesting take on the theme Roland. War in any era is devastating.


Have temporarily enabled comments without moderation. If the spammers hit us, it'll be reinstated.