Saturday 31 March 2018

Welcome to WEP - Write...Edit...Publish APRIL challenge -- ROAD LESS TRAVELED

Of course the classic Robert Frost poem, The Road Not Taken, comes to mind with this prompt which went some little way in inspiring our choice.

What could a ROAD LESS TRAVELED be?

Options. Options, Options. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

A FORK IN THE ROAD: A monumental career choice?

AN EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Turning up dressed in an odd, exotic costume for a black-tie event

A MYSTERY: A trail-blazer MC, a loner, a misfit (A Jack Reacher type)

LITERAL/FIGURATIVE TRIP: Journeys to out-of-the way places, physical and/or metaphorical. A unique holiday trip which veers into another dimension. An unusual parenting or mentoring journey. Experimental music to restore mental health. An extra-ordinary lifestyle choice.

So many ways to spin this prompt. Go to...

To ensure your post is picked up quickly, there are ways to help the admin and yourself:

1) Add "WEP" to the title. We try to pin all participants to the WEP blogroll - check if your blog is there in our sidebar~
2) LEAVE A MESSAGE in this post when you go live~
3) USE OUR C-BOX at the top of the sidebar. We don't mind if you do a practice run~
And remember to have fun!


Don't forget to share the Challenge
We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The WEP 2018 April Challenge the Road Less Traveled - @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF 

A fork in the road? April’s Challenge @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Join @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey for the Latest FF Challenge the Road Less Traveled #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

If you'd like to post the list on your blog here's the code:

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Hello all! 

We wanted to update the page for the A to Z Post for G - Genre

J Lenni Dorner offered WEP (Write…Edit…Publish) April 7, “G” day for a post of 500 words. The WEP team currently consists of four writers – Denise Covey, Yolanda Renée, Olga Godim and Nilanjana Bose  - who all write in different genres. For inspiration for today’s collaborative post, we used an amazing picture of a sign. Thanks Celia Reaves for permission to use the image.

Each of the team - Yolanda, Denise, Nila and Olga wrote 100-ish words in their preferred GENRE.

Go HERE to read the post...

Thanks for helping us spread the WEP word!

Denise, Nila, Olga & Renée


  1. Oooh.
    Looking forward to lots of exciting reading. And perhaps writing.

    1. Hey Sue. Missed you. Would be sooo lovely if you could take part. This one should attract very different responses I think.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep. The Commonwealth Games are about to begin on Queensland’s Gold Coast, but WEP is way more fun to me.

  3. I forget to say
    I posted my post
    On my web sight

    I know I'm early but
    Did I have to wait for
    April the 18th night

    1. It’s okay to post anytime Ellis, but don’t expect too many comments yet as most people don’t comment till they post. I’ll DL you soon.

  4. I'm in. Looking forward to WEP and reading the entries. . .not sure what direction I will take on the road less travelled.

    1. But you’ll find one, DG. You always do. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  5. Not sure which road I'm taking with this one. I have a short story I already wrote that I really like and may work with part of that. Always like to participate in WEP.

    1. We always like to have you Deborah. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  6. I'm thrilled to see the sign-ups despite the A to Z challenge. Making that day's letter coincide with your posts is the way to accomplish both!

    1. Yolanda it's two L's but desk49 is just fine.

    2. My bad Ellis, I'll be more careful! :)

    3. You’re not bad Yolanda
      Some people call me Ē-les
      and other things
      I won’t say here

  7. Hi Ladies....

    What a FUN prompt... You are tempting me. Since I am FINALLY back to writing, the novel I have just started fits perfectly with your theme... soooo I may just have to post an excerpt. Let me work on it more and I will drop back early next week and sign up...fingers crossed....

    1. It would be sooo lovely to see you writing for us again Michael and a fun way to introduce your new WIP to the world. C’mon. You know you can do it!!!

  8. We're delighted to have you Jen! Normal is good, very good!

  9. Since I'm doing to A-Z and most of my tales are pre-written, had to go back and select one not on the WEP official date. I would have loved to use the letter Q but that is too late so went with the letter F.

    Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
    A to Z Flash Fiction Stories|A to Z of Goldendoodles

    1. Thank you, Donna! This is a wonderful way to combine the two challenges!

  10. Thanks to everyone who's participating and doing the A to Z challenge too. We know how difficult that is! And thanks for visiting and commenting on our contribution to the A to Z - it was a blast!

  11. I've posted my WEP offering already since it fits in with what I was posting for my I post for the A to Z Challenge. I know it is early but I remember reading that that's fine. Sadly it isn't a piece of writing this time, but a photograph. Looking forward to reading all the well crafted stories as they come up.

    1. DL is added, thank you. It's a wonderful contribution!

  12. I'm in, and have jumped the gun and gone live.

  13. Just published my WEP submission

  14. Mine is now live :-)


    Please add my direct link, and thanks. Posting late due to computer problems. . .

  16. Link is live. Will try to get comments done before I leave for vacation.

    1. Good, because your link wasn't working for me on the linky!

  17. You're welcome! I hope the guest spot increased your traffic.

    1. There was a glitch with Christopher’s link but it is fine now.

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