Monday, 31 July 2017

August #Write...Edit...Publish challenge -- REUNIONS

Welcome to the Write…Edit…Publish August 2017 Challenge 


Image result for images for reunionsFamilies separated by a multitude of reasons-- ill feelings, separation at birth, kidnapping -- many reasons for such, or a holiday reunion lends itself to a fantasy reunion that can be heartbreaking for its reality. A class reunion can be terrifying for anyone! Whoa, so many possibilities here!

This is a prompt where we expect to have our heartstrings tugged in some way. So many possibilities as suggested above. I'm sure you can come up with many more.

Image result for images for reunions

What will you share for REUNIONS? 

We can't wait to start reading!

Early posts appreciated. Denise is off on another overseas jaunt early September so it'd be great to be able to do some reading/judging/awarding before she goes!!!



  1. SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list below NOW if you wish to participate
  2. CREATE your entry according to the monthly theme - August = REUNIONS. More info here
  3. EDIT your entry until it sparkles
  4. POST your entry on your blog/facebook on the dates shown - remember to state feedback preferences (full critique to general comments) and whether your work is copyrighted - ©
  5. READ other entries, giving feedback as requested. This is key to WEP's success.
1. Denise Covey - DL  9. C. Lee McKenzie - DL  17. DG Hudson - DL  
2. Yolanda Renee - DL  10. Olga Godim - DL  18. Lisa Wilton - DL  
3. Deborah Drucker - DL  11. Christopher Scott - DL  19. Denise Covey - DL (WP blog)  
4. Hilary Melton-Butcher - DL  12. Nilanjana Bose - DL  20. Laura Clipson - DL  
5. Pat Garcia - DL  13. J Lenni Dorner - DL  21. dolorah at Book Lover - DL  
6. Pat Hatt - DL  14. Julie Flanders - DL  22. N.R. Williams - DL  
7. Orlin - DL  15. DB McNicol - DL  
8. L.G. Keltner - DL  16. Roland Yeomans - DL  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

We'd love if you'd Tweet one/all of these:

A #WEPFF REUNIONS Challenge, how will this prompt inspire your muse?  @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey
Join us for a new #WEPFF August Flash Fiction challenge - REUNIONS - Did you attend your class reunion? #amwriting
#WEPFF June Challenge REUNIONS a poem, FF, a photograph OR? @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee #amwriting #flashfiction  

And please share the link on your blog:

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Brought to you by the team:
Denise – Renée – Nilanjana – Olga


  1. I think I am watching from the sidelines again. I would rather have a papsmear, a mammogram and root canal therapy (simultaneously) than attend a school reunion. I started to write along those lines - and it was an epic fail. Woeful.

    1. Ah, Sue, I'm sure it wasn't woeful, but obviously it gave you no joy. I tend to avoid school reunions too. Who wants to face the reality of life moving along so swiftly? The team is always honored to have you cheering from the sidelines. Your support is always greatly valued.

      I hope you're doing well. Our winter in Queensland has been absolutely adorable, but I think it's done now. 25% today. Hmm.

      Denise :-)

    2. I'll add my name this time on Aug 1st. EC's comment made me chuckle. . .I've been working ahead this time on an entry. It's an unusual take on the prompt, but that isn't unusual for me.

    3. Hi D.G. I work ahead too. So far ahead I have to look up my pre-scheduled post to remind myself what it is, LOL! Life has a way of interfering if I leave it to the last minute.

      It'll be great to have you again. Missed you last time. Hope home life is being kind to you.

      Denise :-)

    4. And it's well into August 2nd Down Under!

  2. Hi Denise, and everyone,

    Can't find the button to link up, probably something to do with patchy monsoon connections rather than anything on this site. Consider me signed. Will be back later n see if I can.

    Happy August to you!

    1. Hi Nila. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Somehow it'd set to 11pm tonight to sign up. Phew. The button is there now!

    2. Sorted now and signed up, thanks!

    3. Done n up now! Look forward to the reading!

  3. Hi Denise and Renee, FYI Your WEP August Challenge did not show up on WordPress yet. I found you by clicking on the email link you sent me.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Deborah. I'll look into it.

  4. Hi Denise - I signed as expected ... but hope it (mechanics) all works out. You might have guessed - I'm going off piste again! Ah well ... I'll be there ... looking forward to seeing one and all. Cheers Hilary

    1. I'm off piste too Hilary. Just popping in occasionally. Hope all goes well. :-)

  5. Hello WEP Team,
    Another exciting theme to think about. I'm looking forward to it.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. Looking forward to seeing what wonders you come up with Pat! :-)

  6. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one here who avoids school reunions. The part of me that loves to learn enjoyed that aspect of my school years, but I was no good at the social part of things.

    I'm not sure which route I'll go with this prompt yet, but there are so many possibilities!

  7. I can't wait to see the results from this one. Especially if there's a reunion of long lost loves. Never know how that will turn out! :)

    1. Heh heh have I got a surprise for you my sweet!

  8. Hmmmm...this may be difficult, for me at least. Hmmm.....what to do with this theme?

    1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Christopher. Great to have you again!

  9. Since you would like an early entry or two, I am posting my entry this upcoming Friday. How is that for early? :-) I have missed the world of the Caretaker and the House Eternal, so I have done my own reunion there. Enjoy your vacation!!

    1. Thanks Roland. I'll look forward to your early entry! And I will enjoy my vacation! Thanks.

  10. Hi, Denise and Yolanda....

    As you both know I am INSANE.... LOL. In the midst of packing and looking for a new rental in Chicago. UGH.... So if I am LESS insane within the next few weeks, I will try to write something. Hugs, ladies.

    1. Hey could share the climax of your short story...what was it called again? The Long Road Home? Whatever I hope you show up bearing gifts of awesome descriptions...

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I'm so excited to sign up for this event for the first time! I've been wanting to and finally got my nerve up. I don't know what I was nervous about before!
    Looking forward to taking part and reading all the posts. :)

    1. Julie, we're always excited to have first timers. You'll see what an adorable group of humans we are. So welcome! I hope you have a fun time and get into the groove. :-)

  13. Hi Denise,Renee,Nilanjana,and Olga, I just linked my post but now I have two links in the line up. I wanted to publish early and that's why I did it. :)

    1. Thanks for letting us know Deborah. I'll sort it.

  14. Given I'm giving myself god knows how much to do, I may or may not join. Bookmarking the info all the same. :)

    1. Ah Robert we're all busy but loving it. Hope you do join. We love newbies. :-)

  15. Please add a direct link to my entry, and sorry for not being earlier. Link:

  16. Ok, I added my direct link. The story sucks. Sorry. Late, but, blame my MC for being a needy brat and wanting more story than 1000 words. Definitely not a school reunion, or romance, lol.

  17. Replies
    1. I posted mine a day late too, but we made it! :D

  18. I’m going to read this. I’ll be sure to come back. thanks for sharing. and also This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. this is very nice one and gives indepth information. thanks for this nice article...


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