Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Hi, folks! Can you believe that another year is all but gone and the New Year is just around the corner? We all love a New Beginning. Therefore, our final challenge for the year is Utopian Dreams which encapsulates something new.

We all have dreams, the fleeting kind when we close our eyes that sometimes end up being nightmares, depending on what we've had for dinner that night or what we watched on the television that evening. For me, zombies, at times just the mention of them, are enough for a visit during the midnight hour. However, we're not talking about fleeting visions in the night.

The Utopian Dreams Challenge is all about that secret desire, something you spend valuable time daydreaming about, even talking about, and secretly planning for, i.e. that vacation, dream job, or a move across country or to a new country that you've built up in your mind to be idealistic, perfect, – Utopian.                                   
When we create the idyllic dream, we seldom see the what-if's, the downside, the unknown. Reality is rarely ideal. 

This is our challenge for you this December. This is your imagination at work. Your Utopian Dream could be just that, perfection, or it could end up with all the horrors life can throw at a person. The dream can be real or unreal as in fantasy, sci-fi, or speculative fiction. Have your dreams come true or become the nightmare no one saw coming? 

Just google Utopian Dreams, and the pictures that appear are varied, beautiful, frightening, wonderful, and truly inspiring! Try it! Just click HERE!

It's up to you! Create an artistic interpretation: a poem, a flash fiction piece of 1000 words or less, a non-fiction piece detailing your personal experience or someone else's experience, write a script, draw your dreams, or post a photograph or a photo essay. The genre is up to you. The artistic choice is yours. A dream turned nightmare or true Utopia.


  1. SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list below NOW if you wish to participate
  2. CREATE your entry according to the monthly theme - December - Utopian Dreams. More info here
  3. EDIT your entry until it sparkles
  4. PUBLISH on your blog on December 21, 2016 or earlier.
  5. STATE FEEDBACK PREFERENCES (full critique to general comments)
  6. READ & COMMENT this is key to the success of WEP
Open to all genres - Fiction works can be - Adult, YA, MG. All entries maximum 1,000 words or thereabouts.
1. Denise Covey - DL  8. Olga Godim - DL  15. Sheena-kay Graham - DL  
2. Yolanda Renee DL  9. Pat Garcia DL  16. DG Hudson DL  
3. Far Away Eyes - DL  10. J Lenni Dorner DL  17. desk49 - DL  
4. C. Lee McKenzie DL  11. LuAnn Braley - DL  18. Christopher Scott - DL  
5. Guilie Castillo DL  12. N. R. Williams DL  19. Kalpanaa - DL  
6. Nilanjana Bose DL  13. Patrick Hatt - DL  
7. Roland Yeomans - DL  14. L.G. Keltner - DL  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Email Denise or Yolanda if you have more questions: /

Please note that our December Challenge and maybe future challenges have been cut down from three (3) days to just the one (1).

Sign-up begins December 1st, but posting day is just that one Wednesday, December 21st! If you need to post earlier due to holiday commitments, go right ahead! We'll pick it up on the feed...

Please help us spread the word!
Share one or all of these tweets!

A #WEPFF Utopian Dream challenge, you won the lottery, will all your dreams come true? @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey

#WEPFF Challenge for December Utopian Dreams. Dream come true or nightmare? @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey

A #WEPFF Utopian Dream Challenge #amwrite #writer #flashfiction Describe your Utopia @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey

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Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Patrick Hatt, the winner of the WEP Halloween/Constellations Challenge volunteered, after we twisted his arm to write a guest post on Writing Advice. The Rhyme King doesn't disappoint!
Take it away Pat!

After winning, the first thing they asked me to do was work. How’s that for a prize? But is it really work? That question you’ll get a lot when it comes to writing and anyone with half a brain knows that it is. Also those in the know realize you could probably make more money robbing the nearest poor box, but you’d go to jail for that, so best to avoid it and keep writing.

Wait a moment. Aren’t I here to give advice? Wasn’t there some in there? Hmmm, I guess I will have to try harder. Maybe I’ll go with the tried and true, which I have used as well, just write. There is your advice for the day. If you want to write, just write. That is some helpful, isn’t it? I could stop right here and my work would be done. But now I’m on a roll so I’ll just write some more and show you how easy it is.

I know you are thirsty for more advice. So let’s turn our attention to marketing……… One year later I have finally come back to this post. These are the first words I’ve written in a year. Wow, isn’t marketing fun? When you learn the secret to it, could you drop me a line? I know that makes work for you but I spent a year doing it to try and give advice before returning to this post. That makes up for it, right?

Wow, and I still made the post date on time. Some time travel stuff going on right there. I’ll give you the lottery numbers for a cut of the profit. This just writing thing is sure going down many a path. Is the road to writing paved with good intentions? Or would that be good imagination? The voices in my head are still arguing about that one, so we’ll move on.

On to what? On to editing. Like how well I edited this. Don’t you see how many times I used “so” and the like. That is some stellar editing right there. Hey, at least I barely use seemed and just anymore. But it seems you just made me use them there. Twice! I’m on a roll. I used them five more times since then but I edited them out, so you’d never know. I caught myself and then spilled the beans to you. I hope such beans don’t make you toot.

What was next? Oh yes, time. Time is a fickle thing, even with time travel. You have to make time, find time, create time, have free time, lunch time, supper time, bathroom time, breakfast time, bed time…Where was I? Oh yes. You need the time to just write. How can you get that? Plan ahead like the cat. Just write like him. Just do it like Nike says. Write at work like her. Don’t sleep like them. Play hooky like they. The dreaded they must really be in the know. After all, they get blamed for everything.

I bet by now you think I’m a nut, if you didn’t realize that before this. Do you hear me disagreeing with you? Nope. Do you hear me telling you what to do? Nope. Because I’m typing this so you can’t hear me and I can’t hear you. Just saying. Why is that? If I must, I shall quote the cat.

Pfffffffffffft is the only real advice I will give. Why? Because like everything else out there, people are different. Have different likes, dislikes, lives, etc. So why does anyone think one writing style or way to do it fits all? You do what is best for you. Take all the tips and advice and the like and mold them to your writing style and life. Don’t worry that a rhyming cat posts every day or a person has 50 novels while you have 2. Do what you can do and damn the rest. Why? Because then you will enjoy it more and want to keep on keeping on. If you keep comparing yourself to others, you’ll never get to where you want to be for you and you may get discouraged easier and quit. You want to write, so use the “just write” advice, but just write how and what works for you. That way you will truly do what needs to be done, which is, keep on keeping on. And that is the best advice I can give for anything in life. No matter the crap, you have to push through and do what is best for you.

I could keep on keeping on but I ranted enough. So I will end this with far less class and go out saying I hope you keep on keeping on like my little rhyming ass.

Enjoy life, forget the strife.

Thank you, Pat, 
Great advice. I'm still smiling!

You can follow Pat's humorous musings on his Blog It's Rhyme Time 

If you're curious about the December Challenge

here's a hint!

Please note that due to the holiday's early posting is fine. 
But our goal is to change all challenges to a one day posting schedule.

Sign Up on December 1st

Post no later than December 21st!

The Utopian Dreams Challenge is all about that secret desire, something you spend valuable time daydreaming about, even talking about, and secretly planning for, i.e. that vacation, dream job, or a move across country or to a new country that you've built up in your mind to be idealistic, perfect, – Utopian.   
When we create the idyllic dream, we seldom see the what-if's, the downside, the unknown. Reality is rarely ideal. 

Want to know more? CLICK HERE!

Please help spread the word for our December challenges. Copy and paste the badges onto your blogs. Share via social media. Encourage your writer friends to take part.

Tweet One of These

A WEP Guest post by Pat Hatt – Writing Advice @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee #WEPFF

A WEP Flash Fiction Challenge - the prompt is Utopian Dreams @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee #WEPFF

What's your Utopian Dream? It comes true - is it a dream or a nightmare? @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee #WEPFF

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

#WEPff winners for the October HALLOWEEN/CONSTELLATIONS challenge! Please pop in and say congratulations!

Hello Everyone!

Thanks to all who participated during the 2016 October HALLOWEEN/CONSTELLATIONS WEP challenge. Some of you couldn't take part. A special mention to Elephant's Child who I think commented on every entry, encouraging those who were able to post when she was unable. Thank you, Sue. We need both readers and writers.

The entries were wonderful and varied: flash fiction, poetry (some sharing poetry written in childhood), artwork and non-fiction. Obviously we love writing about Halloween, especially, and there were some truly creepy stories. Some responded to the Constellations theme, and some of you challenged yourself and combined both.  If you haven't read all the entries, use the DL links on the previous post.

And once again, we thank Olga Godim for her excellent badges for the challenge and the creativity she has shown in making the winners' badges!

We value each and every entry submitted to WEP, but there is the excruciating choice of choosing just one winner amongst the many of winning quality. It's always hard, especially when there is a spread of genre. Nevertheless, decisions have to be made, and after much emailing between the judges, we have chosen:


Patrick Hatt!

for his flash fiction from the point of view of a 'crazy old bat': All Hallows Sky, where he masterfully combined both prompts. If you haven't read it already, pop by the link in Pat's name above.

Congratulations Pat!

Please accept the winner's badge and display on your blog with a link to your excellent story. gift card design

An Amazon Gift Card of $10 will be winging your way shortly.


for her sci-fi flash, (accompanied by Nasa space images) with its undertones of Twilight Zone: 
If I Wish Upon a Constellation. 

Congratulations D.G!

Please accept the Runner Up badge and display on your blog with a link to your excellent story. 

In no particular order (we couldn't choose!)

for her creepy flash, The Surprise

for her creepy Halloween artwork

for her terrifying flash, Unrest in Peace

Congratulations C. Lee, Deborah and Laura!

Please accept the badge and display it on your blog with a link to your story!

Thanks everyone, for an exciting October at WEP!
If you didn't get a direct mention, just remember, you're all winners in our eyes!

Thank you for taking on the challenge and delighting us with your creativity! 
And special thanks to Nilanjana Bose and Olga Godim for their stellar assistance with this challenge!

Our next challenge - December -  will be very open. Obviously something to do with the holiday season. More later when we fine tune...
 Meanwhile, keep writing, drawing, painting and taking those photographs!

Help the Winners Celebrate!
We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The WEP Halloween/Constellations Challenge winners announced. @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee

Celebrate with Pat Hatt first place in the Halloween/Constellations Challenge @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee

The winners had us starry eyed and horrified! @DeniseCCovey & @YolandaRenee

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