Hello friends!
Thanks for the wealth of reading matter your March entries provided - some wonderful posts Through the eyes of a child. Many highlighted child abuse which is a scourge on our society. But others were nostalgic, fun and beautiful. Thank you to all who posted to this prompt.
Many of you will have used up a tremendous load of brain matter to prepare/participate in the A - Z Challenge for 2014. I have participated many times in the past, but am not prepared for the time suck this year. I am focused on my writing. I am posting on my writing blog as usual once a week, and also participating in reading A - Z posts. Let me know if you're taking part and I will come by once a week and do a bulk read! Seriously, I want to support you!
I've shied away from doing a regular pre-challenge post, rather leaving you to make your own inferences/interpretations from the prompt. However, I've decided from now on to put up something to stimulate those who are considering participating. This also gives something to link to for those who always like to know they're doing the 'right' thing!
First, a little history behind the prompt...
April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.
The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish."
French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their
schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered. Australians are perhaps not so refined - school students paste sticky notes saying "Kiss me" or "Kick me" on other students' backs, then stand back to enjoy the fun.
April Fools' Day is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain, but you can read a little history here. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.
I see April Fool as an open challenge - maybe...

Some are posting early, then becoming irritated when others haven't posted. Try to adhere to the general dates. Very late posters don't get as many visits.
I am trialling the extended posting dates in April so that those of you doing the A - Z have more leeway. This appears to be what WEPpers are doing anyway.
There are many of you who don't comment or leave a message on the CBox when posting. Please...if you don't tell us, we don't always know!
Here's to a great April Fool prompt!
The linky will go up during the first week of April.
Thanks for the wealth of reading matter your March entries provided - some wonderful posts Through the eyes of a child. Many highlighted child abuse which is a scourge on our society. But others were nostalgic, fun and beautiful. Thank you to all who posted to this prompt.
Many of you will have used up a tremendous load of brain matter to prepare/participate in the A - Z Challenge for 2014. I have participated many times in the past, but am not prepared for the time suck this year. I am focused on my writing. I am posting on my writing blog as usual once a week, and also participating in reading A - Z posts. Let me know if you're taking part and I will come by once a week and do a bulk read! Seriously, I want to support you!
I've shied away from doing a regular pre-challenge post, rather leaving you to make your own inferences/interpretations from the prompt. However, I've decided from now on to put up something to stimulate those who are considering participating. This also gives something to link to for those who always like to know they're doing the 'right' thing!
First, a little history behind the prompt...
April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things.

April Fools' Day is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Its origins are uncertain, but you can read a little history here. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.
For what
do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn? —Jane
Austen, Pride and Prejudice.
I see April Fool as an open challenge - maybe...
- a funny flash fiction
- a poignant flash fiction or non fiction - it can be very humiliating to be made a fool of. But the person making a fool of you may be a fool themselves...right?
- a satirical work a la Jane Austen et al.
- funny photos
- abstract themed artwork
- new beginnings (some cultures chose to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1. (My Sri Lankan students do!) Those who thought they were silly sent them on fool's errands, or tried to trick them into believing something false.)
- a tale of Spring Fever. Many different cultures have long had days of foolishness around the start of April. The Romans had a festival named Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the resurrection of Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi, and the Jewish calendar has Purim. Perhaps there's something about the time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), with its turn from winter to spring, that lends itself to lighthearted celebrations.For those of us in the Southern Hemisphere, April is slap bang in the middle of Autumn).
- other...

- SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list below the monthly themed badge either straight away or when you have a direct link
- CREATE your entry according to the monthly theme
- EDIT your entry until it sparkles - perhaps ask someone to check it for spelling, grammar if this is your weakness
- POST your entry on your blog/facebook page on the dates shown on the prompt (these vary month to month) - remember to state feedback preferences (full critique to general comments) and whether your work is copyrighted - ©
- READ other entries, reciprocate, giving feedback as requested. Share on social media if you like the entry. This is the biggest compliment!
Some are posting early, then becoming irritated when others haven't posted. Try to adhere to the general dates. Very late posters don't get as many visits.
I am trialling the extended posting dates in April so that those of you doing the A - Z have more leeway. This appears to be what WEPpers are doing anyway.
There are many of you who don't comment or leave a message on the CBox when posting. Please...if you don't tell us, we don't always know!
Here's to a great April Fool prompt!
The linky will go up during the first week of April.
I'm not prepared for the time suck either this year. Just one day posting a week is all I can do this April.
ReplyDeleteOne post a week is plenty if you ever want to get any serious writing done.
DeleteI'm participating again this year. I wasn't going to, but my writing has stalled and so the challenge will (hopefully) recharge my batteries. Instead of writing fiction as I've done in the past, I'll be posting on personality/psychological tests (which I've always found fascinating) and how they might be used to help craft characters. Here's hoping that I finish!
ReplyDeleteI'll visit you once a week Li.
DeleteHi Denise, Thanks much for your wishes. I'm doing the a-z this year for the first time, we'll see how it goes. I hope to be back for the April prompt, though I'll probably end up posting ghastly unfunny stuff, something darkish has been twisting and tweaking my posts lately :-)
ReplyDeleteHave the loveliest week all of you.
I'm looking forward to your darkish entry!
DeleteThanks for the prompt - they certainly help get the noggin working on an idea. Won't promise but am pondering! The WEP will only get better and better as you make the changes that get more and more folks interested!
ReplyDeleteHappy April Fools' Day!
Happy April Fool's to you too Yolanda !
DeleteThis is my first year in the A to z challenge, and I'm already exhausted, yet not even halfway through the alphabet. Is it always this hard? :-)
ReplyDeleteDeb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com
I try to always have your back, Denise. This time Mark Twain and Samuel McCord help me in an untold tale from DEATH IN THE HOUSE OF LIFE of alien abduction and practical jokes. :-)
ReplyDeleteit isgood amazing story amazing ข่าวด่วนà¸à¸à¸™à¹„ลน์