Changes in WEP
This is an update to tell you that WEP is pushing back on the changes made this month. Denise, and many of you, were unhappy with some changes, especially the People's Choice voting system. We'll fill you in on more news later, but for now just wanted to let you know we're going back to a professional judge and retaining the WINNER, RUNNER UP, ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD and BEST COMMENTER. And the Amazon Gift Card is coming out of retirement along with Denise.
This is an update to tell you that WEP is pushing back on the changes made this month. Denise, and many of you, were unhappy with some changes, especially the People's Choice voting system. We'll fill you in on more news later, but for now just wanted to let you know we're going back to a professional judge and retaining the WINNER, RUNNER UP, ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD and BEST COMMENTER. And the Amazon Gift Card is coming out of retirement along with Denise.
As any living entity, WEP is changing and growing. Today we
introduce several of those changes.
Our founder and long-time host, Denise Covey, is stepping
down. It might be a temporary arrangement, or it might be permanent, but for
now, she is going to concentrate on her own writing, and we three – L.G., Nila,
and Olga – are going to pick up where she left off. From now on, L.G. will be
the official host of WEP. We want to thank Denise for all she has done for WEP
and hope to see her name here, as a participating writer, for many challenges
to come. WEP would not be what it is today without her hard work and
We would like to give our participating writers more power
and flexibility. One of the ways to accomplish that is to dispense with the DLs
in the links. From now on, please sign up on the list only when you already
posted your story, with the real link to it. We won’t touch the list entries
anymore. We’ll assume if you signed up, it means the story is ready for
reading. To reflect that, we’re changing the posting date on the badges as
well. You can post your story from the moment this post goes live to the day of
the deadline, which is always the third Wednesday of the month of the
Another way to empower our participating writers is to give
them a voice to choose the best. We’re not going to select winners ourselves
anymore. Instead, we’re retiring the Amazon gift card and all our old winning badges. Those badges will be replaced by one (and only one) new winning badge – People’s Choice.
Read the stories. See which one you like best, and let Olga
know your choice, either in the comments, or, if you want more anonymity, in an
email. Voting will be open for one full week after the challenge comes to a
close. For the June Challenge, voting will close on Wednesday, June 26th.
After that time, Olga will compile your votes. The story with the most votes
will be the winner, but we are only giving the voting powers to the
participating writers. Nobody else can vote: no friends or relatives, folks.
Now, without further ado, here is the new challenge for June
2019: Caged Bird.
The topic of a caged bird has many possible interpretations,
both literal and metaphorical. Choose one and write the best flash story you
can in 1000 words or less. Or maybe create a photo essay about your favorite
canary. Or a non-fiction story about captivity and its psychological impact.
Whatever you choose, we want to read it.
1. CREATE your entry for the JUNE challenge – CAGED BIRD.
2. EDIT your entry, making sure 'WEP' is in the TITLE
3. PUBLISH your entry onto your BLOG or FACEBOOK page by the date shown - state feedback preferences
4. SUBMIT your name to the list below when your entry is live
5. READ other entries, giving feedback as requested
6. SHARE THE CHALLENGE on social media.
ALL GENRES WELCOME except erotica - 1,000 words maximum
FURTHER ENQUIRIES VISIT and leave a comment or: email: or
L.G. Keltner Dixie Susan B Team Netherworld
Christopher Scott
Nancy Williams Roland Clark Elephant's Child Denise Covey Lissa
Roland Yeomans Jemi Fraser Jamie Olga Godim Pat Garcia
Rebecca M Douglass Sally Hilary Toi Thomas Beth Camp
Kalpana Nilanjana Bose Pat Hatt Jemima Pett J Lenni Dorner
Operation Awesome Tyrean Martinson - Carrie Ann G Carrie-Anne
Bernadette Braganza
Nancy Williams Roland Clark Elephant's Child Denise Covey Lissa
Roland Yeomans Jemi Fraser Jamie Olga Godim Pat Garcia
Rebecca M Douglass Sally Hilary Toi Thomas Beth Camp
Kalpana Nilanjana Bose Pat Hatt Jemima Pett J Lenni Dorner
Operation Awesome Tyrean Martinson - Carrie Ann G Carrie-Anne
Bernadette Braganza
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The WEP 2019 June Challenge Caged Bird - @TheIWSG @LGKeltner #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF
Will your caged bird fly free? June's Challenge @TheIWSG @LGKeltner #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction
Join @TheIWSG @LGKeltner for the Latest FF Challenge Caged Bird #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction
What does Caged Bird bring to mind? Join @TheIWSG @LGKeltner for the latest challenge #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction