Monday 29 August 2022

Winners - #WEP August 2022 Challenge #Moonlight Sonata

 What an amazing group of entries for Moonlight Sonata. Dazzling, heartbreaking, poetic, and educational while fully entertaining. Was it the imaginative, artful prompt? The selection of music? Or just the superbly talented writers who participated? All of it, of course! This is why the WEP challenges are such fun, but so very hard to judge.

Thank you, everyone, for your excellent entries:

Here's a round-up of the entries posted :

Taglines: Moonlight Sonata

Shannon Lawrence - Tagline: Sometimes you need to get away for a bit to find some peace.

Jamie - Tagline: An unanticipated kiss fails, revealing a crush.

Lenny Lee - Tagline: Beethoven writes a poem for his lover in the form of a sonata.

Nila Bose - Tagline: Shining on empty.

Olga Godim - Tagline: Moonlight and music combine in mysterious ways.

Debbie D - Tagline: Who was that mysterious pianist? 

Bernadette Braganza - Tagline: Judge furniture by its soul, not age.

L G Keltner - Tagline: Even in dark times, music can provide the light you need.

Jemi Fraser - Tagline: The ability to create music, our species' most redeeming quality?

Denise Covey - Tagline: There are more things that nature has wrought than humans can ever imagine.

N. R. Williams - Tag line: When life is stressful, time off is everything.

Pat Garcia - Tagline: The Power of Touch.

J. Q. Rose - Tagline: Romance and danger in a moonlight stroll through a college campus.

Renee - Tagline: Moonlight thrall or real-life goddess?

Damyanti Biswas - Tagline: So unguarded in repose.

Michael Di Gesu - Tagline: Noir, party time, dead body time.

Roland Clarke - Tagline: As relationships are rekindled, an all-women squadron reforms in Ukraine.

Christopher Scott - Tagline: This is the price for inspiration.

Naughty Netherworld - Tagline: The Birth of Luna.

Kalpana Misra - Tagline: Why don't these parents call the police when their child goes missing?

J Lenni Dorner - Tagline: Did your parents fear you would be kidnapped by the government at birth?

Michelle Wallace - Tagline: This was not the re-connection I had hoped for.

Sonia Dogra - Tagline: The Call of the Past.

Mary Aalgaard - Tagline: Mother Nature calms the Night Terrors.

Hilary Melton-Butcher - Tag Line: Allow Family Time ...


So many great entries. We had such trouble whittling down our choices. On our first pass, we chose Mary, Bernadette, Jamie, Michelle, Pat, Michael, Ornery Owl, JLenni, Shannon, Debbie, Hilary, Lenny, Nancy ... 

Before Nick Wilford gets our final list, each of us defends our individual choices. And this time, we wanted to share those words that flipped between emails as we justified our choices:

"The twist was spectacular."

"Best twist ever!"

"Her words were lyrical."

"Brilliant use of the prompt and packed a great punch."

"Compelling use of the prompt and a super engaging story. I loved how she stripped the music back to its essential vibrations and combined so many sweeping themes - love, war trauma, healing, disability - into this compassionate, lovely flash."

"A nuanced flash about the effects of colonization. Maybe I connect with his stories because of my country's history."

"Great imagery, and something anyone who has struggled with night terrors or anxiety can relate to."

"She took the prompt in an unexpected direction."

"I enjoyed hers best with the prelude, the pictures, the gripping, evocative narrative."

"He is so great with his descriptions and setting the scene. I'm envious."

We all agreed that this was one super splendid challenge. I can't remember when I last enjoyed this level of reading pleasure all around. Beat all expectations this prompt has!

There are more superb entries for every challenge than winners' places. So don't be disheartened if your name isn't there this round. Maybe next time. Keep writing! Who knows? You could be the winner of the next challenge.


Thank you to all those who comment widely, especially those who read and comment even when they do not have an entry in the ring or are unwell. Commenting is super important to us both as feedback towards the improvement of writing craft and as a communication channel for community building.

Sadly, this month as in months past we've had commenting issues. No one's quite sure what is going on, but it is not just a WordPress/Blogger issue. Please check the comments on the WEP post where we posted comments that wouldn't take on blogs. 

Please note that due to incessant spamming issues, we have had to keep comment moderation on. So your comment may not show up right away, but we will get to it soonest possible. We value your comments, please keep them coming.

Critique Prize

The winner of each Challenge has an opportunity to get a critique prize from professional editors/published writers – our sidebar displays the prizes for 2022. If the winner has no manuscript/WIP ready for critiquing, then the prize is passed on to the runners-up. Therefore, it’s important that the winner(s) let us know immediately if they do not have work ready to be critiqued, so that we may get in touch with the next in line. Also important to submit work for critique within three months of winning so that editors can plan their work schedule. They are busy people and work to definite, often urgent deadlines. So thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

 This month the winner gets a 10,000-word critique from CHRISTINE RAINS, a Speculative Fiction author. 

Christine says, "I'm a detailed critic. I give my reactions as I read, along with what I like and don't like, overall plot, tropes, and characterization. I try my best to be as helpful as possible."

The winner also gets a guest post here at WEP on a topic of their own choice.  



CONGRATULATIONS, PAT, for your wondrous entry, Power of Touch. The team was breathless at the concept of the power of touch and the delivery of this concept in such a moving story. Thank you!

Nick said - "Achingly romantic and a testament to the healing power of music. As important to the soul as to the ears."

PAT, please post this badge and link it to your winning entry. Enjoy the critique prize or pass it on if you’d prefer. We look forward to a guest post here on a topic of your choice soon.


Congratulations, MARY! Your first entry for WEP, Drifting Away, captured us with the flawless, lyrical writing and enchanting images. Thank you for this reading pleasure.

Nick said, "Calming, meditative and restoring, like watching the moon rise over the lake. I felt like I was there in that moment."

MARY, Please take this badge and link it to your winning entry on your blog.


Congratulations, BERNADETTE! Your entry, Antique Antics, delighted the team. So few words, such a great little story. Thank you!

Nick said, Short but intriguing. I'd like to see this expanded but what's there gives the reader enough to add more details on their own..”

BERNADETTE,  please take this badge and link it to your entry on your blog.

Thank you to all our amazing participants for your entries. We read so many magnificent and magnificently varied takes on this month’s prompt!  

Read stunning entries from our WEP AUGUST 2022 MOONLIGHT SONATA winners @DeniseCCovey @yolandarenee @LGKeltner @OlgaGodim @jemifraser #amwriting #flashfiction #wepwinners 

#WEPFF MOONLIGHT SONATA winners announced @DeniseCCovey @yolandarenee @LGKeltner @OlgaGodim @jemifraser #amwriting #flashfiction #wepwinners

Come congratulate our AUGUST winners! #WEPFF MOONLIGHT SONATA Challenge @DeniseCCovey @yolandarenee @OlgaGodim @LGKeltner @jemifraser #amwriting #flashfiction #wepwinners 

Please join us in October for the next, exciting Year of Music Prompt -

Renee and Denise for 

Monday 1 August 2022

#WEP August 2022 Challenge - #Moonlight Sonata - Sign up here on August 17th

Welcome to the August Challenge for Write...Edit...Publish, Moonlight Sonata! 

Renee posting today. There continue to be super fabulous entries for all the challenges. I can't wait to see which direction you all take with Moonlight Sonata.

Remember, it doesn't matter the words or pictures that we use for the prompt. The choice is yours for where you want to take the suggested inspiration. One word, maybe an impression you received when you first saw the badge? Wherever your inspiration comes from. It's right! Let the words flow...


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

To give you a little information and inspire your writing, Nila composed this regarding the Moonlight Sonata:

This challenge is based on Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven a nod to Western classical music from the 19th century. A timeless masterpiece that he composed in 1801, dedicated to Countess Giulietta Guicciardi, who was briefly his student and who he fell in love with. But could not marry due to the strict social conventions of the time. The Sonata, originally titled Sonata una quasi Fantasia -Piano Sonata No 14 in C sharp minor, became extremely popular during the composer's lifetime, so much so that Beethoven himself seemed to tire of it, writing to a friend that it was the only thing of his that people want to hear. It acquired its evocative nickname five years after Beethoven's death in 1832 after the poet and music critic Ludwig Relistab said it brought to mind the moon setting over Lake Lucerne.

There are a million ways to interpret this challenge - use the title to define your setting, a water body, a full moon, a floating craft, a romantic evening...

Use it to devise your character - a werewolf, a vampire, a modern-day witch/wizard...

Use the backstory to create your flash about circumstances scuppering a relationship...or a nickname coming to define something/someone...

Beethoven's life itself can inspire a thousand stories - listen to his music composed 200+ years ago and go where the muse takes you. And take us right along with you for the ride

Have fun writing!

The August Prize:

 CHRISTINE RAINS, Speculative Fiction author, is offering a 10,000-word critique.

She says, "I'm a detailed critic. I give my reactions as I'm reading, along with what I like and don't like, overall plot, tropes, and characterization. I try my best to be as helpful as possible."

Her latest book Ravage of Revenants: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Khthonia Book 2),a fantasy LitRPG/GameLit for fans of table-top role-playing games. 

Nora Quinn has spent years honing her mystery-solving skills. When the game calls for several days of gathering information, she's excited to uncover who the evil necromancer is. She plays Essaerae, an elven bard at home with the aristocrats of Willowbright Woods and political maneuvering. Yet her friends are not. They're enjoying their new lives trapped in the dark fantasy world of Khthonia. Finding the way home is no longer a priority, especially if it means hours of tedious investigating.

Assassins set their sights on the heroes, and undead attack the city. Someone on the esteemed Council is likely the necromancer, and to end the curse on Khthonia, the players must unmask them. Nora's left to figure the puzzle out on her own. The problem is, if she splits from the party, she will die.

Christine has a new website. Click to visit her.

So, to win Christine's valued prize,

submit your Moonlight Sonata entry between

August 17 – 19th.


If you have trouble commenting on blogger blogs, please continue to leave a comment here. And if your comments are down and you have a blogger blog, consider changing your comment settings to Pop-ups, not embedded, temporarily until google provides a fix.

We'd love if you'd Tweet Tweet Tweet

some / all

WEP writing prompt August's Moonlight Sonata @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @LGKeltner @jemifraser Sign up August 17-19! #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF #poetry #nonfiction #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF #poetry 

Get your thinking caps on for August's Moonlight Sonata @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @LGKeltner @jemifraser up August 17-19! #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction

Join WEP @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @LGKeltner @jemifraser, for the next Challenge of 2022, August's Moonlight Sonata. Sign up and post August 17-19 17 #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction

Write with @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee, @LGKeltner @jemifraser, for the August challenge Moonlight Sonata! Sign up and post on June 17-19 #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction


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Have Fun!

And the fun continues in October, dubbed the Fear Fest challenge when I host the fabulous Halloween challenge. You don't have to write creepy if that's not your idea of fun. Check out our suggestions for October, but go with your pleasure.

The prompt is based on Thriller, released in the early 80's,  an unofficial anthem for Halloween and horror.

 Renee, for...