Wednesday 21 August 2019

#WEP/IWSG Sign Up for August Challenge - RED WHEELBARROW - Add your name and DL after you post on your blog.

Hi all! A reminder or two from the previous post...

WEP Assistants:

Pat Garcia will count the comments for the Best Commenter badge. Comment counting will cease at midnight on Thursday, September 1st NY time, which gives you over a week to read/comment. When you've finished reading, it would be helpful if you left a comment on the sign up post to tell us you're done. PLEASE everyone, make sure comments are allowed on your blog. And most importantly, make sure you read the updated CRITIQUE PAGE above before commenting.

Bernadette Braganza is helping to write blurbs. That will help Nila and myself immensely. 

If you'd like to help in this or a later challenge, please email me at: or leave a comment.

Signing up:
Add your name to the list. Direct LinkDirect link only! So there's no confusion, add your WRITER NAME (not the name of the prompt, please), your email, and your URL that leads directly to your entry.

New Prizes:

Nick Wilford continues as judge for the WEP contest.

August is the month we introduce our CRITIQUE prize. We've approached several editors/published authors/critiquers to line them up to reward you for your efforts! The winning entry from now on will be the lucky recipient of a critique. Check out our list in our sidebar to which more editors will be added as times are confirmed.

Our first critiquer for August is Chrys Fey. She's offering one of the following - a First Chapter critique, a magazine submission critique or a future WEP submission critique. Refer to previous post for more details regarding Chrys.

Now let's get started:

Don't forget to share the Challenge

Here is the HTML:

<!-- start InLinkz script -->
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- end InLinkz script -->

We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The sign up is open for WEP 2019 August Challenge Red Wheelbarrow - @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF 

The August Challenge sign up is here. Add your link. @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Join @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey and add your direct link to the August challenge #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Don't forget to add your direct link to the challenge within the next 3 days. @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Thursday 1 August 2019

August 1 - Put-Your-Thinking-Caps-On Post in preparation for the RED WHEELBARROW challenge. Signup between August 21-23.

Hello there! Denise here! It's August 1st! Welcome to our first put-your-thinking-caps on post.

Before I get underway, I wish to thank the following WEP participants who offered to help me in the August challenge. Please make sure you visit them.


Pat Garcia will count the comments for the Best Commenter badge. Comment counting will cease at midnight on Thursday, September 1st NY time, which gives you over a week to read/comment. When you've finished reading, it would be helpful if you left a comment on the sign up post to tell us you're done. PLEASE everyone, make sure comments are allowed on your blog. And most importantly, make sure you read the updated CRITIQUE PAGE above before commenting.

Bernadette Braganza is helping to write blurbs. That will help Nila and myself immensely. 

If you'd like to help in this or a later challenge, please email me at: or leave a comment.




Today we introduce you to new procedures for the RED WHEELBARROW challenge.

Prepare yourself for posting your entry for RED WHEELBARROW between August 21 - 23 as stated on the badge. Check out ideas HERE. Use the time between now and then to write and edit your entry, so you're ready with your direct link between August 21 - 23. If you don't like editing, ask a writer friend to proofread for you. Your entry should be polished.

We know you're an eager bunch of writers, but to make WEP a shorter, sharper experience, more like the IWSG, we will only open the InLinkz sign up tool on August 21 and close it at midnight on August 23 (New York time as shown at the top of the WEP website.)  Because I'll be travelling again, I might have to post the InLinkz a little early, so keep your eyes out for the MailChimp email!

You can then add your Direct LinkDirect link only! So there's no confusion, add your WRITER NAME (not the name of the prompt, please), your email, and your URL that leads directly to your entry.

- No signing up today. You can leave a comment to tell us how happy you are, how fabulous your writing life is, how much you're looking forward to this prompt, and how much you're looking forward to winning a prize!


The winner of each challenge will continue to write a 300 - 500 word Guest Post for WEP. In addition, the winner will be featured in a 200-word post for the IWSG newsletter.

Our very own Pat Hatt is featured in this month's IWSG newsletter. If you don't subscribe, go HERE.

OCTOBER 2019!!

The Amazon Gift Card will no longer be issued for the winner of each challenge. Instead, in October only, there will be a substantial gift prize for the WINNER, RUNNER UP and ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD.

October is always our most exciting month! Get your horror on and win those prizes! And we're hoping for something very surprising in October. We just hope it comes to pass!

There's more:

August is the month we introduce our CRITIQUE prize. We've approached several editors/published authors/critiquers to line them up to reward you for your efforts! The winning entry from now on will be the lucky recipient of a critique. Check out our list in our sidebar to which more editors will be added as times are confirmed.

There's nothing to stop anyone approaching these editors for a paid critique/edit/evaluation. In fact we hope you do.

Our first critiquer is Chrys Fey. She's offering one of the following - a First Chapter critique, a magazine submission critique or a future WEP submission critique.

BIO: Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes series, a unique concept blending romance, crimes, and disasters. She also published Write with Fey: 10 Sparks to Guide You from Idea to Publication. Catch the sparks you need to write, edit, publish, and market your book! She is partnered with the Insecure Writer's Support Group, running their book club on Goodreads and edits for Dancing Lemur Press.

Chrys Fey’s Links:

•        Spark One: Being a Writer
•        Spark Two: Story Essentials
•        Spark Three: A Book’s Stepping Stones
•        Spark Four: How To
•        Spark Five: Character ER
•        Spark Six: Editing
•        Spark Seven: Publishing
•        Spark Eight: Marketing
•        Spark Nine: Writing About
•        Spark Ten: Final Inspiration

Write with Fey Buy Links:

So beloved WEP writers. Let's get planning our stupendous entries for RED WHEELBARROW. Any questions add to comments.

Happy writing!

We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The WEP 2019 August Challenge Red Wheelbarrow - @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF

Will you fix that little red wagon? August Challenge @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Join @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey for the Latest FF Challenge Red Wheelbarrow #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

What does Red Wheelbarrow bring to mind? Join @TheIWSG @DeniseCCovey for the latest challenge #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

for Laura, Nila and Olga