Well wasn't that fun!

Writers, you a scary lot! I lurched from terror to terror, and it was a little light relief when I stumbled upon a much gentler story. But even the gentler stories often packed a punch at the end. And that is what flash fiction is all about -- setting up your story, planting clues throughout, then whammo at the end so the reader wants to trawl back through the story and find the clues. That's why flash fiction is a favourite form of writing for me.
I knew I shouldn't have done it to myself. Choosing a winner is just too hard. I'm glad I covered myself when I said:
There will be a PRIZE of a $10 Amazon Gift Card for the entry of Denise's choice. She will be looking for the most creative, most riveting, most eye-popping entry to receive this award. Or simply the entry that impresses her most. I have to go with the 'simply the story that impresses me most' as there were so many creative, riveting, eye-popping stories to sift through.
I'm not going to go into a critique on each of the stories, but I will say I whittled it down to a short list, went around and re-read, even asked for help from a trusted blogger friend, but the story that impressed me most in the first reading, and continued to impress, is:
(((drum roll)))
Jen Chandler! Her 'Monster Within' ticked all the boxes for me -- it really was haunting. Shades of Edgar Allan Poe, Jen told her story with great aplomb, and used so many of the motifs of horror - as I said in my comment:
'...it had that dreamlike quality [as Poe often did]. So many scary motifs: the long, dark cloak, the raven, the rider in black, the whip of bone...all added to the creepiness...'
So warmest congratulations Jen, and to you all for participating. If you'd like to, Jen, you can paste the winning badge I just created onto your blog!
It was such a treat going around reading so many excellent stories/poems and seeing some photographs. Pk Hrezo even offered finger food.
If you didn't get to Jen's story, here is the direct link if you'd like to check it out:
Laura Clipson caused me the most wavering...her entry definitely had that winning quality too, but unfortunately there can be only one winner this time! (If you missed Laura's most excellent story, go here...)
The goodies don't finish there. Yolanda Renee won the e-book from Francine Howarth who was also conducting a Halloween blogfest and promised a WEPer a free book. Nancy Williams correctly answered the question Francine posted below her story so will also receive an e-book from Francine.
Now onto the November bloghop - SHARING
The original idea for SHARING was to make it a non-fiction sharing of what you've been writing for NaNoWriMo. By the 22 November I expected you'd have a lot of sharing to do about your new story, how the characters were treating you, how you looked forward to hitting the 50,000 word mark, but I see that more of you are doing your own writing thing rather than NaNo. So let SHARING be whatever you want it to be:
- tell us about your writing in November
- write a flash fiction piece with SHARING as a theme - maybe an Adam and Eve story?
- post some pictures to suit the theme (raid Pinterest!)
- share something memoir-ish about your travels, experiences, your life
- write a poem that encapsulates SHARING in some way
- other...?
Please share in comments if you have any bright ideas about SHARING. Sign up when I put the linky up in a few days, then rock up on November 22 or thereabouts, posting your entry. I aimed for an earlier posting this time, as I head overseas on December 3rd and will need to read/comment before I'm up, up and away!
Remember to put something in your Post Title so others can tell quickly whether this is a WEP post or not. Post early rather than late if possible, as the later you are, the less commenters will come round to read as those who post early, read early, then feel they've finished.
Thank you to the amazing participants who went around and read every entry, and those who read several. I know time is of the essence, so a big thank you. I love this sharing part of WEP.
I hope I see you all, along with some new entrants, on November 22! Spread the word!! Post the SHARING badge! Sharing is caring...
Now back to NaNo....