Pat Garcia, winner of the WEP December Flash Fiction Challenge, with her work The Woman And Her Dream is here today with a guest post. The Importance of Critical Reading.
Take it away, Pat.
Are you a
critical reader? If not, it is time to think about becoming one.
One of the
basic bricks in the foundation of every good or great writer is reading. Writers read a lot, or at least, I hope so.
Now, before
I lose you, let me say, I am not talking about glancing through the first
chapter of a book quickly, and then going to the middle to skim through one or
two chapters and then to the end to see how the story ends. That is not
critical reading. Critical reading forces us to read slowly. It puts us in a
position where we receive an impartation from whatever book we are
reading. We feel the words the author
uses and experience the expressions; we get ideas that give us verve for our
Recently, I was reading an article from J.Q.
Rose's Blog. She recommended some writers’ books that accompany her in her
writing. I love Rose's blog because every time I visit it, which is not often
due to my heavy schedule, I find something I need to know, and it advances my
writing skills. J.Q. shared her reading list, and da da one book caught my
eye. I searched to see if I had it on my
iPad, but I didn't. So, I quickly pulled
up Amazon and purchased, Reading Like A
Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books and for Those Who Want to Write Them
by Francine Prose.
Now, I am a
voracious reader. I even read some books over and over again, but I never put
any intensive thought into why I do that.
Francine Prose's book made me realize why.
Most of you
do not know my reading habits, but I prefer reading a book from cover to cover.
I also read slowly. Prose says that is a good thing. Now, I do not feel ashamed
when I take the time to sit in my comfy chair and let myself sink into a book
and read it carefully. Prose says when we do this we are learning to write and
also learning how not to write. I agree. So, critical reading helps us write
our stories.
Critical reading can also be a cure for
writer's block. How many times do you
get stuck in your manuscript? You cannot write a scene, or the plot is
confusing and zaps your energy. It does
happen, at least to me it does. Prose says reading a book which presents
similar problems in our manuscripts helps us overcome the block. Again, I agree
with her. I have found that retrieving a
book I have read and looking at its structure and plot undoes the mental block
in me and makes an imprint on my writing. My mind relaxes, and ideas, dialogue,
and narratives begin to flow again.
Critical reading
also points out loopholes in our plots we need to close. When I get stuck in my plot, I run to my
imaginary roundtable of writers. They are so funny. They come from all genres,
and they help me the most. Writers like Du Maurier, Sayer, Holt, and Whitney
handled their suspense situations well, and they give me great suggestions when
I am dealing with my heroine’s reaction to impending trouble. If I am stuck in
my narrative, I usually run to John Gardner and his Sunlight Dialogue, or if I
am stuck in the spirituality of a character or scene, I turn to Dante and His
Inferno or Goethe and his legendary Faust.
Finally, Critical reading helps us to
express ourselves. It strengthens our ability in and around writing our
sentences and then styling them. So, for me, I have learned how to express
myself by examining the sentence styling, the rhythm, and even the word count
of a sentence from the authors who sit at my roundtable. It usually becomes
clear to me when I am editing an article or story. I can hear Gardner asking
me, “Why did you write that sentence so long?” Or, I hear Du Maurier saying,
“You don’t have to tell the whole thing, ma chérie. Quick, precise narrative is
needed.” Or Dante says, “My Dear Girl, where is the rhythm? Did you forget
that?” Through their works, I have dissected
sentences and discovered the beauty and simplicity of the simple sentence, and I
have learned to laugh at myself.

Deep in the
back of every writer's subconscious mind, I believe there is the desire to connect
with people and leave a work or works that are not forgotten. Critical reading
assists us in achieving that goal if we so desire. It inspires us to write our
stories to standards where the words burn within the hearts of people who read
our books. Our books give out a sweet fragrance that goes beyond the shelf life
of books sitting on a shelf in any bookstore. They become jewels that live from
generation to generation.
Many thanks
to Denise Covey and Yolanda Reneè for inviting me to share some of my thoughts
on writing. I enjoy WEP. It is an important website for writers from all genres
because it helps us sharpen our writing skills. I wish you both an awesome 2017
with many pleasant surprises.
Pat Garcia
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Thank you, Pat, for a very thoughtful post.
What do you think readers, are you a critical reader?
How would you like your work to be viewed?
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At the back of the drawer
Rummaging at the back of the
drawer, you find…. a clue to a murder/mystery or a note from an old
flame…. a key to an old house…anything really. Could be interpreted anyway – a
broad prompt for you if you don’t like February to be all about Valentines. But
if you're a romantic soul who does, go for it.
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Guest post by Pat Garcia – The Importance of Critical Reading