Welcome to a WEP tradition - the winner's guest post.
Michael di Gesu won the April Challenge -
Road Less Traveled, with his memoir extract from MOMMY KAY.
Today Michael discusses how a good story inspired him to dive back into writing.
Greetings all at the
Thank you so much for
featuring me at WEP today, ladies. I am honored to be here.
You could have knocked
me over with a feather. Winning first place in the ROAD LESS TRAVELED challenge
was certainly unexpected.
many of you know, I have had been less than inspired for the past few years,
not writing much and barely keeping up with blogging. It has been a very
stressful time, emotionally and physically.
But I
have never given up.
I knew
it would pass.
finally has.
Inspiration can come in many forms. It could be our friends, family,
our surroundings, a wonderful vacation, or just a walk around town. Spending
the winter at my condo in Orlando, Florida was going to be my escape. Instead,
the community here has been mismanaged, and basically the complex has taken a
nose dive. After much stress, screaming, letter writing, and determination, I
had the pleasure of getting to know one of my neighbors, who just happened to
be on the board for our condo complex. One day she mentioned her
mother, Kay, who had also lived in this complex. She had died a few years prior
and sadly they were estranged during her passing.
Kim informed
me about how her siblings had laid Kay to rest, mere hours after her death,
with basically no funeral, buried in a pine box, with neither Kim nor any of
Kay's friends in attendance. Sadly, Kay had made her son executor of his will.
Needless to say, he absconded with everything and Kim never had closure.
As a few months
passed, I met Kim on several more occasions walking our dogs. I listened to
countless stories about her mother's antics with fronting and selling stolen
merchandise in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, her acquaintances and friendships with
many well known people of the day, and about her four husbands, ranging from the
first, Kim's father, an Italian Catholic, to a Jewish diamond merchant, a
Puerto Rican lifeguard, then finally a Muslim Egyptian man eight years her
junior. During most of her marriages and between the wheelings and dealings,
she owned a beauty shop in Middle Village Queens NY, where she was born and
Kay also had a love
affair with the arts and frequented Harlem to hear Count Basie, the Village
Gate to hear blues singer, Carmen Mcrae, who eventually became a close friend, several off-Broadway
gay oriented plays, and so much more.
But what clinched it
for me was Kay’s INCREDIBLY liberal attitude
in her life. Many of her clients were African American. Raised in the 30s and
40s as a white Anglo Protestant in QUEENS, NY...this was unheard of. Most
people then had very similar views to the famed Archie Bunker of All in the Family fame. Kay's
grandfather actually thought All in the
Family was a documentary! I gasped when I heard this. My father was also raised
in Queens and was an Italian Archie Bunker, so I know first hand how people
thought at that time.
I then approached
Kim. “This story needs to be told. Have you ever thought of writing a memoir?”
She burst out
laughing. “Are you kidding me,” she exclaimed in her thick Queens NY accent. “I
can’t write a memoir.”
“But I can,” I said.
Kim and I signed a
contract. I am thrilled to be writing Kay's memoir. Kim told me Kay had always
wanted to write about her incredible life, and now her story will be told!
I have already
written the first seven chapters and I am so excited to continue.... Kay will
become as famous as our beloved Auntie Mame, who happened to be fictitious. Kay
is the real deal! I cannot begin to tell you how honored and happy I am to write
her story. She was an AMAZING woman for her time, and to have roots from the
Mayflower, Kay was definitely not anything like the typical 1950's woman.
When I read about
April’s prompt at the WEP, I knew I needed to post a snippet from Kay’s story.
This piece features Kay’s transformation and the new journey she began on THE
Kim is thrilled that
Kay’s story was acknowledged. I am EQUALLY as thrilled, knowing that even
though we take a hiatus from our writing, no matter how long, we can always
come back and produce a winner.
I would also like to
congratulate, Carrie Ann Golden, for her incredible insight into forgiving
one’s self, and Elephant’s Child, for her amazing life-changing adventure to
Antarctica. Writers who submit to the WEP are so talented, I don’t envy the WEP
in choosing their winners.
Thank you again, ladies
of the WEP, for choosing MOMMY KAY as the first place winner.
Have a wonderful day
A creative soul, Michael Di Gesu has been in
the arts since a child. Trained as an illustrator and
interior designer with a BFA from School of Visual Arts in NYC, he took his
earlier career in a different direction after he was discovered by a
photographer from the fashion industry. He modeled in NYC and abroad until
1991, then left NYC and moved to South Florida to begin a new artistic journey.
He began his career in
interior design after remodeling his home in Fort Lauderdale. He freelanced for
several years until he moved to Las Vegas in the Mid 90s. There he returned to
the fashion industry and worked as a hair stylist and makeup artist for major
fashion adds through R&R advertising Agency.
After five years he
returned to South Florida to resume interior design.
In the mid 2000’s he
moved to Chicago to increase exposure in the interior design world. After five
successful years, the real estate market crashed. Freelance interior design
work dried up. With no real prospects, he decided to enter the literary world
and write and illustrate his first middle grade fantasy novel. With a
whole new world opening up to him through blogging, Michael found his new
niche. The writing community was a breath of fresh air for him and he met many
amazing writers who helped mentor him.
In 2013, he started his
freelance book design, illustration, and creative editing business,
specializing in unique and original works of art. His talent for introductions
of books, lead to blurb writing.
Today he is still a
freelance interior designer, and continues to assist his writer clients with
blurbs, creative editing, illustration, and book design.
You can find him at his
blog, IN TIME: http://writing-art-and-design.blogspot.com
works/portfolio @ http://writing-art-and-design.blogspot.com/p/my-book-cover-designs-and-blurbs.html
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DAK86
Are you going to win the next WEP Challenge?
June 1st is the day to sign up for UNRAVELED YARN

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