Monday 5 May 2014

Write...Edit...Publish Inlinkz sign up for May prompt - FAILURE...or is it?

get the InLinkz code

Wise words from blogger VR Barkowski, posting about success in the publishing world. 

Taking responsibility for our successes also means taking responsibility for our failures, and that’s one hell of a terrifying prospect—one many of us use as an excuse not to act. Don’t let this be you. Failure is part of the journey. Make your mistakes, take your knocks, get back up, brush yourself off, and try again. And don’t forget the secret: if you really want to be a writer, concentrate on what you can control, don’t become bitter about what you cannot, and don’t give up.
Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future,
but from wanting to control it.
~Kahlil Gibran

Oh yeah???


  1. Okay there's something wrong with the Inlinkz HTML code which is sending all the sidebar down to the bottom. I've had this problem before and it's dashed difficult to fix, but I'm trying. Just afraid of messing too much with the HTML which will ruin the linky. Grr...D

  2. In linkz isn't as good as it used to be . .

    1. Sure isn't. Will have to shop around. Maybe it's a metaphor for failure. :)

  3. I liked your thoughts on success and failure. The learning process in anything comes with tries that don't work out or not as you thought it would. I call them lessons, not failures. Each thing you learn takes time to set in your mind. I remember my mom teaching me how to sew a hem. I could visualize what I wanted, which is important, but when I tried to implement the lesson...well, it sorta looked like it was supposed to. :-)
    But the stitches were uneven, the material sort of gapped and bunched where it shouldn't. I was proud of the fact I had done by myself but I wanted what mom could to a hem and that was frustrating for me. Next try, well it ended in frustration. Mom told me when we learn something new it takes time for our minds eye and our hands to work together. She told me I had to train my hands and each time I sewed that was training my hands to match my what I saw in my mind. :-) I try to apply that lesson to whatever new thing I take on, including writing.

    1. Sia, I'm glad you came by. These are wise words that we can all learn from on our writing journey. Thanks!

  4. I'm pretty sure I've got that ambition to control the future, but I try to keep it hidden. . .I do have an idea for the' Failure' post, Denise, and look forward to reading the entries. . . later in the month.

    1. Controlling the future...lovely thought...but it has a way of controlling us. I"m glad you're on board, D.G.

  5. I've been in the hospital since March 20th and then in rehab. I just got home. My computer is frozen so i have to call HP. when I get it fixed I'll write a blog post and tell you all about it. I'm posting this from my kindle so I have limited access. Until later. Nancy

    1. I've been so worried Nancy. I'm sorry you've been unwell. Please take care. xx

  6. Great quote Denise! Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting about the reflections on A to Z. Great to meet my blogging buddies around the internet over the month of April. First year I did it I didn't know anyone!

    1. Things have certainly changed since then Lisa. I'm glad you had such a good time.

  7. Wonderful May prompt Denise, cant wait for May 21 to post my entry!

    1. Looking forward to reading!! Thanks for letting me know!

  8. I have written a very short piece and scheduled it for May 20th at midnight, mountain daylight time. I figured that would be just about perfect for all my international friends.

    1. Great that despite your health problems, you are soldiering on with your writing Nancy. Can't wait to read it.


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Hi, I'm back and signed up and working on my post :) Liked your points on failure/success, and also the comments. Till the 21st.


  11. Wednesday 21st May 2014

    Dear Denise and other WEPers,

    Your idea for this challenge is very good, Denise. Most of us get to see many failures of different varieties until all things fall into place - if it ever does. My text is a piece of personal non-fiction. Reality is stranger than fiction in my world right now. I have had so much going on, this is just one tiny episode. Maybe I can write more about some of it in the near future.

    Best wishes,

    1. Sorry you are still experiencing some unhappiness Anna. Hope writing your piece helped. Be around to read tomorrow. x

    2. Thanks Denise!
      I'm feeling better each day!

  12. Looking forward to reading everyone's entries!!


  13. I had a creeping feeling I had missed something last night. But now I remember I haven't missed it 'cause it ends today! :D So I am going to post something now.

    1. Thanks Trisha. I was worried you'd forgotten. But you came up trumps! No you're not late.

  14. It's been a wild time here in my end of the world, but I have posted. :-)

    1. I hope all is okay Roland. Thanks for posting.

  15. Oh, the linky is still open? Guess I should try to finish that thing I've been working on. Not sure I like it, but at least I will have posted something.

    1. Thanks for posting Donna. Can't wait to read it.


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