Tuesday 1 October 2024

WEP Halloween Flash Fiction Special Challenge 2024, HORRORFEST!


Welcome to the October 2024 Special Challenge 

for WEP - Write...Edit...Publish

October Horrorfest!

Hi, Denise here, announcing WEP is back to offer a flash fiction challenge for October. We didn't want to miss our Thrillfest month.

October is our month to celebrate speculative fiction, horror and paranormal, but as always no bar on any genre except erotica. But a little bit of scary can't hurt...

 This is the Horrorfest Challenge in which we ramp up the spook factor, welcoming your creepiest compositions, your most haunting and haunted tales running the gamut of paranormal, speculative, crime and horror genre. However, as always, there are no rigid rules. Feel free to write to any genre if those mentioned are not your thing. 

We can't go on without explaining what's been happening. As always, the WEP team have been facing some mountainous challenges. Early this year in April I didn't expect to have my son in Intensive Care for three months and a hospital ward for one month! Was the most trying time of my life. Thankfully, we got through it, but still face day to day struggle.

Meanwhile, we've had bi-monthly meet ups here, where we reported on what we've achieved and some of you dropped us a comment and link to give us your news. I want to thank the WEP team for writing my entry when I couldn't face opening my laptop.

The team was devastated with the loss of two of our original members, Sally Stackhouse after a struggle with liver cancer (her combined prose and poems will be sadly missed) and Nancy Williams who was finding much joy in writing as she battled health problems. RIP, ladies. We love and miss you.

There is a tribute page to Sally here:

Here's to you, Sally!

Will miss your writing, Nancy.

So, hey writers, welcome to our special challenge! Many of you have told us that you have been missing the inspiration of writing to a challenge, so here we are to challenge you to get your flash fiction writing mojo on and pen a thriller for October.  The October challenge has always been heaps of fun. Let's make this one the funniest ever! 

Post your entries to the Linkup from October 1 to 16, 2024

Remember to add a tagline which should take us to the heart of your story:

"A tagline is more like a catchphrase that conveys a feeling or a promise about the story. A tagline should be catchy, genre-focused, and intriguing."

We'd love it if you'd Tweet or post to FB or any social media site where you network! If you avoid social media, we totally get you.


WEP #writingprompt October 2024s "HORRORFEST" @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser Sign up & post-October 1-16! #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF #poetry #nonfiction

Let's write for the October 2024 "HORRORFEST"@DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16@jemifraser Sign up & post your entry October 1-16! #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction

Join WEP @DeniseCCovey @YolandaRenee @SoniaDogra16 @jemifraser for the Special Challenge of 2024, "HORRORFEST" Sign up and post your entry October 1-16. #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction #poetry #nonfiction. 

To Post Our Link Please Use the Code Below:

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Wishing you an amazing October.

Bring on the entries!

Who knows? Perhaps we'll see you in December! 


  1. Sally and Nancy will be sadly missed. I have already enjoyed your writing and Denise's contribution and look forward to more reading pleasure.

    1. Hi Sue. Love seeing you here again. Yes, Sally and Nancy will be much missed. Shocked and saddened by their loss. Both brought so much talent, happiness, and love through their writing with the WEP and to the lives they touched.

  2. Shocking to have two such losses in what is really a pretty small community. I'm happy to have a motive for some flash fiction, though I really don't do well with horror (especially reading it--writing, I can always make it comic horror, and usually do).

    1. Hi Rebecca. Lovely of you to stop by. We'd welcome any story from you. I know not everyone writes horror.

  3. I'm gonna try to this one at least. It's been a hectic year with overwhelming family drama.

    1. Chris, thanks for stopping by. I hope you make it back!

  4. I found Clem Mckenzie's entry here, not on the link she supplied:

    1. Such an enticing story. I can't wait to read more. But signing on or in was a test for sure, I finally just gave up! Still, good work Lee. Loved it!

    2. The above link to C. Lee McKenzie's story didn't work for me, but this one did:

  5. Sorry ladies, October snuck up on me and I'm still creating my entry. This weekend or not at all. If I can't post it by Oct 6 then I'm out, but I will read every entry and comment.
    Gonna miss Sally and Nancy; I feel like I've known them forever. I met Nancy IRL a few years ago and just felt that awesome connection. Sometimes Nancy would send me stuff on her series books and I would read and offer some feedback. I will miss her. She was a sheer joy in my life. And Sally was so real, I will miss her writing voice.
    I feel so guilty sometimes for the health I have at my age, when everyone I know online or IRL is so sick/disabled and I'm still working and having a full life. Even my own children are not as hale as I am.
    I've had so many losses over the last two-three years, both online and family, and I wonder why not me first. I'm older, and don't watch so diligently my lifestyle, diet and exercise as many of my friends and family do.
    My WEP excerpt has nothing to do with average loss. I hope its the scariest thing ya'll will read here this month. I'm just so busy working in my day life that I forgot October is already here. Weird, I know, but. . .
    Excuse me while I go write on it to post by the end of this weekend (west coast American time).

  6. Christopher Scott's link points to his last year's entry????

  7. I sent Christopher an email advising of the problem. He has added a new link and I deleted the old one.

  8. Here is Jaimie's correct link:


      I don't understand how it got messed up.
      What's really strange is I pasted the exact same link on X (PenMinion), and it's right there.


Have temporarily enabled comments without moderation. If the spammers hit us, it'll be reinstated.