Thursday 30 November 2017

#WEP #ff December Challenge -- The End is the Beginning -- Sign Up Now!!

Welcome to the WEP - Write...Edit...Publish The End is the Beginning December Challenge.

Image result for december image

As we head into the holiday season, our minds can focus on year's end and perhaps new beginnings. 
This December, WEP dedicates the month to thinking about life, taking stock, where we're at at this point in time. Perhaps you'll be inspired to write a flashback, perhaps there's a cascading change you're going through or one approaching, perhaps there's a branching off point that could be either an end or a beginning. Whatever strikes you, you have a choice in the way you present it -- a flash fiction, a non-fiction piece, poetry, a photo essay or get your feelings onto a canvas and show us some artwork...

The End is the Beginning
has any number of possibilities!
Let your imagination run riot!

If you'd like to post the list on your blog here's the code:

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Don't forget to share the Challenge
We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

The WEP 2017 December Challenge - @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey #amwriting #flashfiction #WEPFF 

Time to take stock The End is the Beginning @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey  #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction 

Join @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey  for the December FF Challenge  #WEPFF #amwriting #flashfiction

Brought to you by the team:

Denise – Renée – Nilanjana – Olga

Image result for happy holidays image


  1. All done and ready to go since October at my sea.

    1. I’m ready and raring to go at my beach. Can’t wait, Pat.

  2. I'm going to toss my hat in the ring again. . . it's one of the few challenges that appeals to me. I look forward to another year of WEP. I like the flexibility.

    1. Thanks, D.G. It's always lovely to have you writing for WEP. Be as flexible as you want!

    2. I have finally posted. Direct Link is
      Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh, yeah. I have to finish my Russian story. This is going to be the last installment.

    1. We'll all enjoy that, Olga. Then I'll want to read it from the beginning again!

  4. Ooh yes please! The first thing I thought in the morning was Dec! it's a WEP month! :)

    I'll be out from 15th, appreciate the chance to read/post early.

    1. Pretty excited too Nila. It’s going to be a good way to end the year.

    2. Mine's live, just FYI :) Happy basting!

    3. Well done, Nila! That's certainly early! Sorry for delay in DL-ing it, but was just heading out the door when I saw your email! Can't wait to start reading when I finish basting, LOL!

  5. Right now, I don't have a glimmer about how to express myself on what I want to write about. There are so many things that I want to say and don't know whether I'll get the essence of life in it that I want to accomplish. Oh well, I'll see...maybe....
    Thanks for the theme and thanks to the four of you for doing a fantastic job this year. Twice during the year, I thought Oh, yeah, that's not for me but took on the challenge. Especially, the theme Dark Places challenged me greatly.
    So, I'm proud of the way the four of you bring this altogether with your busy schedules. You managed to stir the creative spirit deep within us with your themes.
    Wishing the whole team a happy advent season and we'll see one another on December 20th at the WEP Postings.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. You always come up with something spectacular Pat. That’s what WEP’s encourage the creative in us.
      Thanks for your kind words and wishes Pat.

  6. This is a great theme, and I love the badge that goes along with this one! Looking forward to it!

    1. Olga is a great badge creator for sure. Great that you’re on board LG!

  7. Planning to get my creative juices flowing for this challenge. Wishing you all Happy Holidays!

    1. Excited that you’re with us for this one too Deborah. Always great to see the difference in takes on the theme.

  8. Alright; I've written and scheduled my entry. Its kind of an Allegory: I may not have tweaked it appropriately to fit the prompt. But, it will post :)

  9. I am only going to applaud this time. Life has got a tad tricky.

    1. I hope everything's all right, Sue. Thank you for letting us know. We'll look forward to your applause if you can do the rounds.

      Merry Christmas!
      Happy 2018!

      Denise :-)

  10. I have only today come across the challenge and notice that I should have added my name to the list on December 1. Am I too late to partake?

    Click to visit Keith's Ramblings

    1. Not at all, Keith. Step right in! Love to have you!

  11. Hi, Denise & Renee. I have not been able to work on a story for this month as I had planned, so could you please remove my blog from the list? I'm not going to be able to participate. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.
    Happy Holidays to the whole WEP gang!

    1. Hi, Julie:
      I managed to post my story, but hit by the flu I've been delayed in getting to the comments. Welook forward to having you participate next year. Have a lovely holiday!

  12. That’s okay Julie. I will remove your name. Hope to see you next year!

    Happy Christmas!

  13. I would like to join in, Denise. Thanks for the invite. I've started a draft of something. The 20th should be fine for posting. Feels great to be back! Compliments of the season to you and everyone at WEP.

    1. Hello Adura! I got so excited when I saw you'd joined up. So looking forward to reading your entry. It will be like old times!

      Compliments of the season to you too!

  14. To all participants!

    Happy Holidays!

    I will get to each story soon. I promise!

  15. I need to apologize AGAIN. Health issue are keeping me down and out of my chair. Hoping for a better 2018.

  16. So sorry to post late, time got away from me.


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