Friday 31 March 2017

WEP April challenge -- PEACE AND LOVE -- to honor Poetry Month

Hi, folks! It’s April, time for our second WEP challenge - brought to you by the original imaginings of Nilanjana Bose, the creativity of Olga Godim, and your hosts, Denise Covey and Yolanda Renée! 

This month, we're thinking about PEACE and LOVE.
Create an artistic interpretation: a poem, a flash fiction piece of 1000 words or less, a non-fiction piece detailing your personal experience or someone else's experience, write a script, draw your dreams, or post a photograph or a photo essay. The genre is up to you. The artistic choice is yours. 
For our inspiration, seeing it's Poetry month, we chose a poem: 

There are two angels, messengers of light, 
    Both born of God, who yet are bitterest foes. 
    No human breast their dual presence knows. 
As violently opposed as wrong and right, 
When one draws near, the other takes swift flight, 
    And when one enters, thence the other goes. 
    Till mortal life in the immortal flows, 
So must these two avoid each other's sight. 
Despair and hope may meet within one heart, 
The vulture may be comrade to the dove! 
Pleasure and Pain swear friendship leal and true: 
But till the grave unites them, still apart 
Must dwell these angels known as Peace and Love, 
For only Death can reconcile the two.

Poetical works of Ella Wheeler Wilcox. by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 
Edinburgh : W. P. Nimmo, Hay and Mitchell, 1917.

The lines that shouted at us were “Despair and hope may meet within one heart”. You may use words/phrases/sentiments from the poem to craft your entry. Ask yourself, how many ways are there to express Peace and Love? Endless! Go for it! 

So, April - the month inspired by poetry. It’s also the month of the A to Z challenge which takes our corner of the web by storm. The WEP Challenge falls on the ‘P’ day, so here’s your opportunity to fit into the ‘P’ category and participate in the A - Z and WEP at the same time, if you so desire. 

However, if you're not participating in the A - Z, go for it! But just because April is poetry month, it doesn’t mean you have to post poetry (do I hear a sigh of relief?) There are any number of ways you might express Peace & Love -- . . . a love story, a call for world peace, a refugee story, the possibilities are endless. . .

Here we go again! Sign up now so we know who's going to turn up on April 19th! (We love the anticipation!)

And don't forget, there is a $10 Amazon gift card for the entry that catches our eye:

Copy and share the linky list:

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Please help us spread the word!
Share one or all of these tweets!

A #WEPFF Peace& Love Challenge, “despair & hope may meet in one heart”  @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey
 #WEPFF Challenge for April. Peace & Love – a poem or flash fiction OR? @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey

A #WEPFF Peace& Love Challenge #amwrite #writer #flashfiction What inspires you? @YolandaRenee @DeniseCCovey

From Denise, Yolanda, Olga and Nilanjana!


  1. I love poetry, though it isn't my strongest area of writing. Still, I'd love to give it a go and see what I come up with!

    1. Good for you, LG. I've tried a few times and always go back to prose. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. That's what WEP is, a challenge!

  2. I don't think I am playing. I will certainly be applauding though.

    1. Thank you for your support, Sue. It's lovely that you play along! Hope you are well. :-)

  3. Hi Denise ... hadn't realised it was poetry .. but I joined and have a post ready somewhere in the A-Z lot!

    Hope the cyclone has left you safe and well ... cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Poetry month is where we got our inspiration, Hilary, but you don't have to write poetry unless you want to try!!

      Safe and well, thanks, Hilary!

  4. Peace isn't to be had this month :) it's one long writing fest! Signed up and ready to start...I had the impression that the cyclone was far away from you Hilary says. Hope that's true.

    See you later and happy writing!

    1. Hah, the cyclone was supposed to hit North Queensland. I'm in the South-East, but we got a lot of it. Weather reporting is not an exact art. Anyway, we're cleaning up now. :-)

  5. An engaging challenge for April.
    Hope you're fine.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. I'm fine Pat, thanks! Looking forward to this challenge!

  6. Will get it done as the cat has the a to z fun, so you're stuck with Pat lol

    1. I know we can rely on you for some fun, Pat! Enjoy the A-Z!

  7. So, can I write an original story to go with the theme or must it be my personal experience?

    1. As always Nancy, write whatever you want. Mine is completely fictional with some words from the poem in it. Was fun to do. :-)

  8. Oooh, I'm excited already, seeing 12 already signed up. Thank you for supporting our first April blogfest. Mwah, mwah, mwah...

  9. Lovely poem, and such a beautiful logo. I've got mine well started.

  10. Whoops! Got all caught up in A to Z and lost track of my week! But I've finally signed up!

    Given the general nature of my posts for the A to Z Challenge, coming up with something related to 'peace and love' is going to be tricky!

    1. Whatever you come up with will be greatly appreciated Arpan. Lots of leeway this month.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Like this posy. Hope you are well Diane

    1. Sorry 'Post' slip of the finger!

    2. What a surprise to see you, Diane. Hope all goes well...Denise

  12. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!



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