Tuesday 8 September 2015

And they said I didn't have a creative bone in my body. Elephant's Child shares her creative journey thus far/

Hello everyone!

We asked the winner of the Spectacular Settings challenge to share her writing journey with us today. It is with great joy we welcome Elephant's Child to the WEP blog as our first winner guest poster.

Take it away, EC!

Over fifty years ago I was told firmly that I didn't have a creative bone in my body.  I have carried that label ever since.  Sometimes I barely noticed it, and at other times it weighed heavy.   As a consolation prize I was assured that everyone has a special talent - and mine would emerge.

So I waited for that talent to appear.  And waited some more.  And the years went by.

A few years ago I had an epiphany.  I am an appreciator.  I am a beauty addict and find it almost everywhere.  In nature, and in many man-made creations.  Books are a prime favourite and I guzzle them.  Across genres.  Quirkiness and whimsy too.
Painting, pottery, sculpture, architecture, crafts...   A little later I realised that not only am I am appreciator, I like to share the joy and the magic.

When I found the blogosphere about four and a half years ago it was like coming home.  I was invited into people's lives, educated and entertained.   I laughed with other bloggers, I wept with and for them.  I wrote about some of the things which move me, and took photographs to share the wonder.  And made friends.  Good friends, even though I will probably never meet most of them.
As I explored my vastly expanded world I was introduced to a writing meme 'Words for Wednesday'.  Each week a selection of words, a phrase, or an image go up and we are encouraged to play.  Some people create incredible stories.  I content myself with a paragraph or two.  And marvel at the very different things triggered by the same prompt.

When I came across Write Edit Publish I knew I would be back to revel in other people's creativity.  Some gentle encouragement pushed me out of my comfort zone. No quick paragraph, but a considered piece.  Something I have never done.

When I put my entry up, it was with intense trepidation.  I was awed at the creativity and beauty of the other contributions I read, and felt out-classed.  When very generous comments started to appear the welcoming and supportive attitude was so very welcome.

AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!!!  I won!!! Surprise doesn't begin to cover it.  Shock.  Disbelief.  It is too soon to say that I can (finally) discard that label I have dragged though life, but its shackles are looser than they were.

I am so very grateful that Denise and Yolanda set this challenge up - and for the support and encouragement that everyone has provided.   I love this diverse, rich, exciting community.

Thank you EC. We are humbled by your humility. Thank you so much for sharing with us today!

If you haven't read Elephant's Child's poetic entry, Memories. Magic. Mystery. please click here for a visceral treat.

Stay tuned everybody. Next Wednesday we present a post on Copyright. Please join us.

And keep your creative juices running. Our October Halloween challenge will be here before you know it.

Help us Celebrate Creativity!
We'd love if you'd Tweet one of these:

Elephants Child is guest posting about her creative journey #WEPFF Write…Edit,,,Publish @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey

Celebrate creativity with us and Elephants Child at #WEPFF Write…Edit…Publish. @YolandaRenee & @DeniseCCovey


  1. A virtual applause for you EC! and so glad you showed us something many of us might not have ever been privy to seeing (those images of fantasy). Hope you will continue to participate and show us some more of that gorgeous photography and whatever else you choose to regale us with! Never believe those negative things that others tell you, just look deep within yourself. That's where the light is.

    1. D.G. Hudson: Thank you. It was your nudging which gave me the impetus to play. Thank you so much. You are right about labels, but some of them are very hard to shift.

  2. Congratulations, EC! How wonderful for you. You must be thrilled...I know I am for you. I tried to post a comment on your blog but for whatever reason I wasn't allowed to do so....very strange.

    I been trying to set aside time to really peruse, in depth, this site...and I shall do so!

    Again...I'm so very happy for you. :)

    1. Lee: Thank you. I did turn off comments at my post, and am glad to see you here. I am still in shock about this accolade - but sure you won't be in the slightest bit disappointed as you explore here.

  3. EC, congratulations. You've persevered, taken chances and now they've paid off. I couldn't me happier for you.

  4. Congratulations! I am so happy for you, both for a WIN and for kicking that childhood label off your back...not easy to do, I know!

    1. Bookie: The label is still there, but hanging a lot lighter.

  5. Replies
    1. HBF: Thank you. And hugs. I hope you are doing better today.

  6. Well deserved and the award could not go to a nicer person.

    1. Andrew: What a lovely thing to say. Mind you, writing and niceness are too very different spheres. Sometimes they overlap, and sometimes not.

  7. so, so many congratulations, EC <3

  8. I'm not at ALL surprised you won. Your entry was fantabulous, and whoever was foolish and cruel enough to ever say you didn't have a creative bone in your body was an unmitigated numbskull. What's more, I think your ability to see and appreciate the world around you feeds your talent beautifully.


    1. Susan: I was. Very, very surprised. It was my parents (both creative people) and my early teachers who told me separately and together than I was not, not, not creative. The fact that my parents were creative added validity(?) to their assessment.
      Thank you for your encouragement and support.

  9. Many, many congratulations. You deserve this success!

    1. Alexia: Thank you. Not feeling it is deserved, but it is welcome.

  10. I've been thinking hard about this.

    1. N.R. Williams: Where have your thoughts taken you? Familiar places, or to exciting possibilities?

  11. Not creative? Pardon me whilst I blow a raspberry at those who taught you to distrust your creative instincts... ppppppppppbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttttttt.

    Congratulations, not only for winning (you were always a winner) but for having the strength to step outside your comfort zone and embrace your exceptionally creative, and very nice, self. I am absolutely thrilled for you.

    1. Jacquelineand...: You exemplify the reason I felt I had come home when I discovered the blogosphere. So much support. So much caring. Thank you.

  12. Okay, I have my story scheduled for the 20th. That way it will show up for some of you on the 21st.

    1. Hi Nancy! Putting my nose in here. I'm so pleased you decided to join us again! Looking forward to your Halloween post!

  13. Congratulations!!! Whoever said you weren't creative was obviously full of it ;)

    1. Riot Kitty: I suspect they fully believed it, and were telling me for my own good. Always dangerous.

  14. Many, many happy congratulatory hugs EC!!
    I've been out all day, so I'm a bit late to the party, but I'll echo what others have said: whoever told you that you were not at all creative was so very wrong. I read above that it was your parents and a teacher. clearly they simply did not recognise your particular brand of creativity. That same creativity we all see and appreciate on your blog.

    1. River: Thank you. You are one of the people who awes me week after week after week when you create fully fledged stories from those random words...

  15. Hi EC - it's funny how we're put down as kids ... and yet now ... you too had to realise your creativity later in life ...
    The Antarctica photo and swimming story .. it looks so bleak - yet was obviously comfortable ...

    I love the horses and thanks so much for telling us about them - that's where creativity comes from your creation from the idea of Fiers A Cheval ... and congratulations on winning the Spectacular Settings contest ... very well deserved.

    See you soon .. cheers Hilary

    1. Hilary Melton-Butcher: Thank you. Those early labels linger. Which makes me think that people need to be very, very careful what they say to children. And indeed to everyone. Thank you.

  16. Congratulations, E.C. So well deserved. I'm thrilled that you stepped out of your comfort zone and gave this a try. You are inspiration for those of us who only think about trying something new.

    1. Mason Canyon: Thank you. I feel about as inspirational as a wet weekend, but thank you.

  17. EC. Look at how everyone loves you! So wonderful to read each comment and to see the validation it brings to your win! Thank you for your honest sharing and your generous replies. It is wonderful to have you as our special guest!

    Denise :-)

    1. Denise Covey: Thank you so much for this warm, safe corner of the blogosphere. And for the challenge. And (of course) for the accolade...

    2. So well deserved. Parents can do so much harm without knowing it. And school's also do their best to crush creativity, preferring the homogeneous. Nothing like stepping out of your comfort zone, which you have done with great aplomb! I wonder how many others you have encouraged by this post and by your regular blog posts? Countless, I'm sure. Look at Nancy there! You got to her. Well done!

  18. No you know those words were so untrue! Congratulations on winning.
    Care to enter the IWSG contest now?

    1. Alex J. Cavanaugh: And a big thank you to you as well. I am still at the tiny steps stage now, and the label is still there. Looser though - which is a plus. And no, not ready to enter the ISWG. Yet. And that final word is a new addition.

  19. You have such a beautiful heart, EC, and loads of talent - in language, picture, and deed. Bury the misconceptions visited upon you by people pasting their own dead reflection in your head. Use those limiting words as fertilizer for your carnivorous garden. Stomp them under your feet during your crazy-woman-with-a-camera rituals. You can fly. You already have.

    1. River Fairchild: I am so very glad that I found your snarky self. And LOVE the image of fertiliser for my carniverous garden. Thinking, thinking, thinking....

  20. My gosh EC, it's wonderful to see how you've conquered all those demons. Such an inspiring tale of overcoming judgement, especially from the folks that mean the most to us, parents and teachers. Despite the negative influence you found your talent and sharing that journey today will influence so many more. Thank you, for sharing your creativity, and journey of discovery! Words, especially the words we hear as children have such a huge impact on our lives, thank you again, for sharing yours.

    1. Yolanda Renee: Thank you and Denise. So much. Sometimes I would like to hurl sticks and stones (and words) at the idiot who coined the 'sticks and stones' phrase. He was a liar. I wear scars (which still bleed) from rather a lot of words. And know that others do too.

  21. An excellent example of how the comments made to us as children can shape our future and the view we have of ourselves. I suspect the early naysayers robbed us of some amazing creativity the world would have greatly benefited from - but so glad you are finally realizing your talent!
    EC - It was my good fortune to find your blog through the Words for Wednesday Challenge, and I am grateful that you have led me to Write... Edit ... Publish!
    Enjoy the accolades - you truly deserve them, as well as all the friends that you have made in blogland!

    1. Susan F.: The Words for Wednesday Challenge has been so many things hasn't it? A place to dip our toes into the joy of words, a meeting place, somewhere to find and admire talent... Thank you so much for hosting it this month. (And I am loving learning more about Mindy as each week's words reveal her to us.)

  22. Congrats EC. Your entry was fabulous. Glad you found your creativity. Hope to see more such gems from you. :)

    1. Kiran Acharya: Thank you so much. I was intrigued by The Ruins of Doddakudla and that frozen in time aspect chilled my soul.

  23. No creative bones in your body? What kind of x-ray would show that or know what would develop? Loved your entries. I do am in awe of beauty wherever I can find it. I will work on my writing at some point.

    1. Sue in Italia/In the Land of Cancer: Beauty is addictive isn't it? And everywhere when we keep our eyes, hearts and mind open.

  24. Your entry was magical, EC. Beautifully evocative and visual and mysterious. I'm not surprised it was chosen. Your blog is filled with your creative mind -- your photos of purple sunsets, flowers, visiting birds, animals.... and the way you write about things in your life sucks readers in and create real interest. There's a reason you have so many loyal followers. You have the soul of an artist, and it shines through so much of what you do.

    So many people are discouraged as children by insecure or inept teachers who were (or are) themselves not in touch with their own creative side or who don't understand much about art or creativity...

    1. Paper Chimpmunk (aka Ellen): Leaky eyes here. Thank you. As always.

  25. Appreciator, Sharer, Blogger ... and definitely Creative. I was intrigued to read that you'd been told you weren't creative, because your talent is evident. I'm glad you are finding additional forums to explore it. And congratulations on your winning piece - lovely that you've been recognized!

    1. jenny_o: It was one of those family truths. The dangerous family truths and myths which are part of too many families. By the same token I was in my thirties before I realised I wasn't stupid. The non-creative label has stuck tighter.

  26. YEAH! So happy for you, EC. You are very creative and I am glad you can discard the not creative label. Your photos are always inspired and take a keen eye and you have a wonderful way with words. Congrats! :)

    1. DMS ~ Jess: Thank you. You are always so encouraging.

  27. Congratulations!. I rarely listen to what "they" say, but still, it must be good to prove "them" wrong. You are creative and have a beautiful talent. I like that you have so many interests; I'm sure they all aid you in your creativity.

    1. Toinette Thomas: Thank you. I can ignore the 'generic' they, but this was family. And early teachers. Voices of authority. I still carry that label, but its hold is looser now.

  28. The words we hear in childhood can really influence us for better or worse. That's one reason I try to consider the messages I send my own children. You obviously do have a creative bone in your body, and it's a pretty good one!

    1. L.G. Keltner: Thank you. Words are incredibly powerful aren't they? Which is one of the reasons that writers awe me. Power for good, power for ill...

  29. I would never have guessed the Antartic, but I love the story behind the picture - and that of the horses, too :)

    Well-deserved win, EC and as they say in Dublin, "You go, girlfriend" :)

    1. Mark Koopmans: Thank you so much. And the time for your book release is rapidly approaching. Woo Hoo.

  30. Not a creative bone in your body ~ what a cruel thing to say to someone. Glad you did t let that negativity stop you. I read the announcement of your win on here last week, but extra special to get a guest interview.

    1. carolincairns: I am pretty certain none of them intended to be cruel, they were just calling it as they saw it. It stuck, as negative things so often do - which is perhaps another tragedy.


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