Thursday 28 November 2013


get the InLinkz code

The November SHARING blogfest was awesome! I loved reading your posts and I hope you had a ball doing the rounds. I learnt a lot about some of you as you shared from the heart. Thank you!

Now to our December TRADITIONS blogfest. I hope you will join us, sharing your stories in whatever form that celebrate this special time of year. I hope once again, we will learn much of each other's traditions, cultures and joys and pains....

I will be in Paris on the 18th. Who knows what I will share??

Am  back to the InLinkz sign up after much fiddling around. Much better...


  1. Hello all! I was doing the rounds, saying hello, back on board after NaNo, and I see Lisa Buie-Collard has an entry up. It is delightful. Please swing by and read it if you can. I know I kept going by for a few days but didn't see that it was up till today! Bad me!


  2. So peeps, make sure you leave a comment somewhere when you post so we know!

  3. I just popped over from Keith's Optimistic Existentialist blog.
    Love your blog.
    Rick, your latest follower.

  4. HI, Denise,

    I resurfaced. Back from Colombia… Lots of highs and lows, but I am SOOOOO happy to be back in sunny Florida … at least for the next few weeks before I make my trek north through the frozen tundra.

    I have MISSED YOU so much. Hope all is well!

    1. Hi Michael. Glad you survived the wilds of Columbia and didn't drown in coffee! It is wonderful to hear from you again. I've missed you too Michael. Will be great to be in contact again. I"m off on my trip in 2 days!!!!!

  5. Hi there - this looks interesting - I have a twice monthly non-fiction blog, but the word count often runs to about 1,800 words. I am keen to get involved, but assume the posts would be too long for WEP - what are you thoughts?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

    1. Hello Stewart. Thanks for stopping by. Would love you to write for WEP. We do prefer posts to keep to around the 1,000 mark in the interest of those reading so many posts as I encourage each participant to read as many as possible. It is also good to practise editing to get a post down to a word limit. Sometimes posts are over 1,000 words, usually about 1050 max . Do you think you could perform surgery on your non fiction and join us? Would love to have you.


    2. I'll see what I can do! SM

    3. Be so lovely to have you Stewart!

  6. I am in!

    Happy trips, Denise! Looking forward to your posts from the travels!

  7. Well my hour to go and my trip begins.... China tonight and Amsterdam tomorrow. I'll check in when I can...:-)

  8. I envy you your travels. :-) My post will be up this midnight.

  9. YAY! A WEP year finished. :) Looking forward to 2014!

  10. Mine's up. I'll be around to visit all the links this weekend.


  11. Oh I wish I was in Paris too!!! I used to frown on that city, but that was before I began to know it. I love it now and would visit every year if I could! Merry Everything to you and hope you have the best trip ever!!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sorry, had too many open blogs and posted a wrong comment.

    Have a good trip to Spain Denise.


  14. Damn, malware again at Nancy's blog!


  15. Ah no to Nancy's malware !
    Thanks for posting everyone ! You rock ! I couldn't find Joys on my phone ~ maybe she's on another blog...and Yolanda didn't link up but posted.
    Overall it was great to read about different traditions. I expected the numbers to be down over Christmas. Hope we pick up again in January !
    Happy Holidays to you all !


  16. 25th December 2013

    Dear Denise,

    Happy Christmas!

    Sorry I missed this one. I had made preparations early, but wrapping up student-teaching turned out to be no picnic at all.

    Behind my back, my ex took the children on a cruise for Christmas, so any post about Christmas traditions would have been teary-eyed anyway. I am trying to use the time to make a nice belated Christmas for children when they get back. Went out and bought a Christmas tree because their father was not going to have one for them at all (which is amazing when you think about it; he owns a lot of forest-land.) So I have a fir-tree standing in my bathroom ready and waiting for them to decorate.

    Hope you are well and happy and have a safe trip home again.

    I will try to do something for the January challenge.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hello Anna. Missed you this month but I thought nothing of it as Christmas is such a busy time rightly filled with family and friends. I'm sorry you have missed your kids so much. I hope you have that tree decorated now and have your kids back. This can be a difficult time of year in many ways.

      I hope 2014 is a good year for you. Perhaps New Beginnings will be good for you to think about...

      Merry Christmas and a happy new year Anna. Thank you for your loyalty to WEP .



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